Newsletter September 2023

Bonsai Notebook

Visit our website at:

Founding President/ Sensei
Jim Barrett

Next SABS Meeting: Sept 9, 2023
Eastern Leaf Nursery
3826 Riverside Dr.
Chino, CA

We have a new experience planned for our Sept. 9 meeting.
We will meet at the Eastern Leaf Nursery in Chino at 6:00pm and have the owner, Jason Chan as our demonstrator.
This will also be a shopping opportunity for anyone looking for pre-bonsai tree material or anything else bonsai related; tools, pots, wire, soil, etc.
There will be some time to look around the nursery and shop at 6:00pm, but you are welcome to arrive earlier if you like for more time.

We will have a raffle table, so be sure to bring something for the table.

There may be a shortage of chairs for the demo area (outside under cover), so we are encouraging member to bring your own folding chair.
We have ample room for seating for the demo.

Jason and his wife Renee founded Eastern Leaf in 2004 for bonsai enthusiasts of all levels.
They recently moved into a new location in Chino where we will meet;
3826 Riverside Dr., Chino
(just east of a succulent plant nursery on the same side of the street)

President’s Corner

As we move into September, the strong summer growth patterns of most of our trees will begin to slow down.
We have been working hard to keep our trees in the shapes we intended.
We can now start cutting back on pruning and start to enjoy the changes in color in our deciduous trees.

It is a good time to cut back on nitrogen-based fertilizers and turn to more potash and phosphorus.
This will help trees through the coming winter.
You can gather tree seeds to store through the winter for spring planting.
I don’t think we ever over the joy and anticipation of seeing new trees when they first pop up through the soil.

You can take new cuttings, but they should be limited to hardwood specimens or tropical varieties.
I have taken some cuttings from my gmelina tree and one of my foemina junipers in early Aug., and they are doing fine so far.
Enjoy the coming Fall season. ~Dave

Members Corner

  • Santa Anita Bonsai Society is an amazing club– join us any time….2023-24
    Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships.
    Dues may be paid by cash or check.
  • If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to support SABS
    contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail –in membership form
  • Our September meeting will be held at Eastern Leaf Nursery, 3826 Riverside Dr,. Chino, Ca.
    (just east of a succulent plant nursery on the same side of the street.
    Please bring along a chair to have a guaranteed seat.
  • We’re trying something new– “ad lib” Refreshments!
    If you feel like sharing a tasty treat with others who love to eat please bring an appetizer, snack or dessert to add to our refreshment table.
    Water is provided.

Thanks to everyone who shared refreshments at the August meeting

Aug 2023 Meeting Highlights

Our August meeting was part 2 of our pyracantha air-layering project.
As a recap, part 1 was done in April when Peter Macasieb demonstrated the air-layering process.
Members had a chance to perform the process on one of three tall pyracantha trees.
A total of 28 air-layers were done, and Peter took care of the material while the new roots developed.

We met at Peter’s home in August.
All members who participated in part 1 of the project got to pot up a shohin-sized pyracantha, cut from the mother trees, and take it home.
Each of the remaining attendees at the Aug. meeting, who wanted a chance to also take home one of the air-layered pyracanthas were given a raffle ticket.
Tickets were randomly drawn and the remaining new trees went home with the ticket holders.

The air-layering project was developed by Peter & Mike Kelly for SABS.
All of the air-layers rooted successfully and were potted.
Thanks again to Peter and his assistant, Mike, for their work on this program.

We also had a large number of items on the raffle table and many happy winners… it is a tremendous help to the club and our ability to remain viable.

Photos by Becky V.

A Special thank you to our August Raffle Donors

Steve Anthony, Jerry Banulos, Helen & Jim Barrett, Big Joe, Marge Blasingame, Sue Cook, Dan & Wanda Denesi, Y.S. Farn, Mike Kelly, David & Debra Mauzy-Melitz, Dave Miles, Bryan Nicholson, Vic Shelton, Bill Ward

SABS appreciates your support !!!

2023 Monthly Meeting Dates

Sept 9
Location: Eastern Leaf Nursery, Chino
Demo: Jason Chan

Oct 14
Location: Matt Denny’s Ale House, Arcadia, CA
Demo: Robert Hoogeveen

Nov 11
Location: LA Arboretum
Demo: TBA

Meeting Refreshment Schedule

Something New- “ad lib” Refreshments

Snacks & Appetizers & Desserts

Sept 9
Please bring your favorite snack, appetizer or dessert to share

Upcoming Events

Sept 22-24
Kofu Kai Bonsai Show at the Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana

Oct 7-8
Chino Bonsai Club 3rd Annual Bonsai Exhibit
261 S. Junipero Serra Dr., San Gabriel.
Sat.hrs. 9a-5p, Sun., 9a-3:30p,
demonstrations, silent and live auctions, and raffle both days

Oct 8
Bonsai Swap Meet, 10a-12noon
Woodley Park, 6350 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys
email for more info: [email protected]

Oct 20-22
GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous
Hotel Mission De Oro, Santa Nella
209-826-4444 for reservations (rooms going quickly, other motels in town)
go to for info.
additional workshop options released on Aug 1

Nov 4-5
California Bonsai Society 66th Annual Exhibit, Huntington Botanical Gardens
1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino
10a-4p, demos at 1p daily

Come Join Us

Date: Sept 9, 2023
Time: 6 pm
Location: Eastern Leaf Nursery, Chino, CA

If you need directions contact Lorraine at [email protected]

more photos by Becky V. from the Aug Meeting….

Newsletter August 2023

Santa Anita Bonsai Society

Founding President/ Sensei
Jim Barrett

Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting:
Aug 12, 2023
At the home of Peter & Marissa Macaseib
West Covina, CA

Our August 12 meeting will be another road trip. We will meet at the home of Peter and Marissa Macasieb in West Covina. Again, we will meet at 6:00pm to take advantage of the daylight.

The meeting will be part two of our air-layering project that began at the April meeting.
In April Peter showed us how to make the girdling cuts on a large pyracantha that were necessary for an air-layer form of propagation.
Members then participated by making the cuts and attaching small pots with soil to individual pyracantha branches on the tall mother tree.
Peter has taken care of the tree since April, and the individual air-layers are ready to be removed.
Members will now have the opportunity to separate an air-layered, shohin-sized pyracantha as an individual tree.
Hopefully, all our members who participated in part one of this project will finish with part two and take home a new tree.

We encourage everyone to attend whether you took part in the project or not to finish learning the project details.
Air-layering is a great way to propagate new trees and can easily be replicated by anyone wishing to try.

Come and enjoy the learning experience and also take advantage of seeing Peter’s amazing bonsai collection at the same time.

President’s Corner

We have experienced a prolonged heatwave in July, and I am sure there will be more heat to follow.
Water is always a critical component of our tree care. Try to water early in the morning, so water can soak in well before the heat evaporates it.
The soil in small pots will naturally dry out quicker and probably need additional watering on 100 degree-plus days.
Misting is a great addition also. If you have a “mist” setting on your hose nozzle, you can mist your trees sometime during the day to help slow down evaporation and help prevent leaf burning.
Shade cloth (available at most nurseries) can help a lot by keeping the direct sunlight broken up during the heat of the day.
Shade cloth and misting can work together to help our trees weather the hottest days of summer.

Members Corner

  • Santa Anita Bonsai Society is an amazing club– join us any time….
    Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships.
    Dues may be paid by cash or check.
    If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to support SABS please contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail –in membership form.
  • For security reasons we are not posting address and directions for the August meeting.
    Most of us have been to Peter & Marissa’s and know the way. If this is your 1st time visiting please contact Lorraine at [email protected] or other SABS members for directions & information.
  • We’re trying something new– “ad lib” Refreshments!
    The sign up sheet was blank this month so, if you feel like sharing a tasty treat with others who love to eat please bring an appetizer, snack or dessert to add to our refreshment table.
    Water is provided.
  • A special “thank you” to all who brought appetizers, snacks and desserts to our July Meeting at David & June’s: Judy Anthony, Manuel Dizon, David & June Nguy, Vic Shelton, Wendy Tsai

July 2023 Meeting Highlights

We have been excluded from having meetings at the Arboretum because of summer concerts for many years now.
As a result, we have had to use alternative meeting locations.
We have been very fortunate in that we have established a tradition of being able to meet at two very special venues.
In August we will have a meeting at the home of Peter Macasieb and be surrounded by his inspiring bonsai collection.

In July we had our annual trip to the home of David and June Nguy.
We were excited to have the opportunity to not only have a great demonstration, but to walk through one of the best collections of bonsai trees available in Southern California.
The setting, with the trees and tea house created such an amazing atmosphere for bonsai enthusiasts.
David is such a good teacher, talking so well about tree design and wiring.
We always leave with a better understanding of our art form, and we appreciate the wonderful hospitality provided by both David and June.

Thank you David & June !!!!

During the evening, David designed and styled a beautiful juniper tree for our members.
We learned a lot from the experience

and Susan Dao was the lucky winner of the demo tree

Photos by Anthony A & Mike K – many thanks!

A Special thank you to our July Raffle Donors

Jerry Banuelos, Sue Cook, Mike Kelly, Christian Lebano, Bryan Nicholson, Wendy Tsai

And to all who so generously purchased raffle tickets
SABS appreciates your support !

2023 Monthly Meeting Dates

Aug 12
Location: in West Covina
Demo: Peter Macasieb
Air Layering part 2

Sept 09
Location: Eastern Leaf Nursery
Demo: Jason Chan

Oct 14
Location: Matt Denny’s Ale House- Arcadia

Demo: Robert Hoogeveen

Refreshment Schedule
Snacks & Appetizers & Desserts

Aug 12
“ad lib” Refreshments
Please bring your favorite snack, appetizer or dessert to share

Upcoming Community Events

Sept 22-24
Kofu Kai Bonsai Show at the Bowers Museum
2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana

Oct 20-22
GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous, Hotel Mission De Oro, Santa Nella
209-826-4444 for reservations (rooms going quickly, other motels in town) for info
Just announced– additional workshop options to be released on Aug 1

Come Join Us

Next Meeting
Date: Aug 12, 2023
Time: 6 pm
Location: Home of Peter & Marissa Macasieb, West Covina, CA

If you need directions contact Lorraine at [email protected]

You are invited to come early and take a walk around the Garden
there is much to see

Newsletter July 2023

Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting:
July 8, 2023

At the home of David & June Nguy
Shisei-En Bonsai Garden
Chino, CA

It is time for our summer road trips.
We begin with our July 8 meeting being held at the home of David and June Nguy.
They will be hosting our meeting at their home in Chino.
David and June are long-time, gracious supporters of our club, and it is a real pleasure and treat for our members to have the opportunity to view their wonderful bonsai collection.
We will start the meeting at 6:00pm rather than our normal start time, to take advantage of the sunlight hours.
Members are invited to come early to have the time to walk through the Shisei-En Bonsai Garden and also see their beautiful Tea House.
We are asking members to bring appetizers or a dessert for refreshments and water will be supplied.

David will be our demonstrator for the evening, and it will be very instructive. He will talk a lot about the basics of bonsai as he works and encourage questions during the styling process.
This will be an opportunity for us to have one of the best bonsai artists in the world share his talents exclusively for us.

David is well known throughout the bonsai world for his work with California junipers and Japanese black pine. He has studied with Harry Hirao, Ben Oki, and Ernie Kuo.
David has traveled to Japan and studied with Masahiko Kimura.

David has traveled throughout the United States doing demonstrations and participating as a headliner at bonsai conventions. He has been active with the Golden State Bonsai Federation for many years and currently leads the Chino Bonsai Club.

Come join us for an exciting night of bonsai.

President’s Corner

It looks like our regular morning overcast is giving way to a warm summer. If you haven’t done your black pine candle pruning and needle pulling, get to it. If you aren’t sure about this process with your black pine, ask at the next meeting.

We have plenty of members who understand the process and will be glad to explain.
Or there is probably a Utube video on-line that covers it.

In Marty Mann’s book, Bonsai Ideas, he has a chapter on seasonal care of bonsai trees.
For July, he mentions that the hot days and cool nights bring about tip growth and long internodes. My junipers have been pushing hard and need cutting back to keep from becoming bushes! Marty writes that cutting back the tip growth will encourage shorter internodes and help secondary branching.

Most repotting is stopped in summer months, but some trees can still be transplanted.
You can repot ficus material, pomegranates, cotoneaster, wisteria, and pyracantha.
Also, keep up a regular watering schedule, and don’t let tree roots completely dry out.
With the summer heat, keep an eye on shohin trees and any tree in a shallow container, because they are going to dry out faster. You might need more than one watering a day.

Looking ahead to next month, we will be meeting at the home of Peter and Marissa Macasieb to complete the second part of our pyracantha air-layering project.
We want everyone who participated in step one of the air-layering project to go home with a potted, shohin-size tree next month.
Those of you who missed our step 1 meeting are very welcome to come and observe this amazing technique.


Members Corner

Welcome New Members:
Kelly Lui

  • Many thanks to all who have renewed for 2023.
  • Our membership drive for 2023 continues….Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships.
    Dues may be paid by cash or check.
    If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to join SABS please contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail –in membership form.
  • For security reasons we are not posting address and directions for the July meeting.
    Most of us have been to David & June’s and know the way.
    If this is your 1st time visiting the Shisei-En Bonsai Gardens, please contact Lorraine at [email protected] or another SABS member for directions & information.

June 2023 Meeting Highlights

Bill Ward was our guest demonstrator for the first time at the June meeting.
He is becoming known for his knack and enthusiasm for searching out nurseries to find affordable material for use as bonsai.

Bill brought along a large display of his trees to showcase the results you can get from material that can be purchased at low cost; something we can all appreciate.

For his demo, Bill worked on a large, bushy foemina juniper he found through his search process. He started by cleaning up the branches; removing branches growing up or down and crotch growth. Then he picked the branches he wanted for his design and wired them.

Some of the leftover branches were used for jin. Bill chose to have a deadwood apex and stripped off the bark and carved a lightening-struck look for the top. He said he often uses a butane torch to burn the deadwood, followed by wire brushing for an aged look.

While working on the tree, Bill talked about fertilizer products he uses.
They included Osmocoat, another called Organic Plus, and a fish and kelp product containing molasses.

Bill finished with a tree that opened up the branches for sunlight and future filling out.
It was a great example of the possibilities available with low cost material.

Susan Dao was the lucky raffle winner of the demo tree.
Jerry Banuelos won the pot for the name-badge drawing.

We had a full raffle table and many happy winners to round out the evening.

Photos by Becky V– many thanks!

More photos available at
Check out the Gallery Section

A Special thank you to our June Raffle Donors

Bob Alderette, Jim and Helen Barrett, Jerry Banuelos
Marge Blasingame, Sue Cook, Y.S. Farn
Dave Miles, Steve Riley, Becky Villasenor

And to all who so generously purchased raffle tickets

Auction donation thank you’s continue:

To Mel Ikeda & Rick Naber– SABS appreciates your support !!!!

2023 Monthly Meeting Dates

July 08
Location: home of David & June Nguy
Shisei-En Bonsai Garden
Demo: David Nguy

Aug 12
Location: in West Covina
Demo: Peter Macasieb
Air Layering part 2

Sept 09
Location: TBA
Demo: Robert Hoogeveen

Meeting Refreshment Schedule

Snacks & Appetizers & Desserts SABS provides water

July 08
Please bring your favorite snack, appetizer or dessert to share

Aug 12
P Macasieb, V Shelton

Upcoming Events

July 1-2
The Vietnamese Bonsai Society hosts their annual Bonsai and Nonbo Exhibition
Vietnamese American Buddhist Assoc.
12292 Magnolia St., Garden Grove (Magnolia/Lampson)
9a-5p daily
Demos at 1p

Oct 20-22
GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous
Hotel Mission De Oro, Santa Nella
209-826-4444 for reservations (rooms going quickly, other motels in town),
go to for info.

Come Join Us

Next Meeting

Date: July 8, 2023

Time: 6 pm

Location: Home of David & June Nguy
Shisei-En Bonsai Garden
Chino, CA

If you need directions contact Lorraine at [email protected]

You are invited to come early and take a walk around the Garden
there is so much to see

Newsletter June 2023

Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting:

June 10, 2023

7 pm

LA Arboretum— Ayres Hall

Welcome again to our wonderful club members and those thinking of learning more about bonsai.
The June 10 meeting will be at 7:00pm in Ayres Hall at the L.A. Arboretum.
Our guest demonstrator will be Bill Ward.

Bill has acquired much of his bonsai stock by scouring nurseries and yards all over for good bonsai material.
He will be sharing what he looks for in regular nursery stock to then develop worthwhile bonsai for a reasonable price.

Twelve years ago Bill thought that a bonsai tree would look good next to his koi pond.
He went to House of Bonsai, bought a juniper and a book on how to style it.
That adventure went well, and he began to study bonsai with John Nielson and later with Al Nelson.

Bill enjoys searching for a “diamond in the rough” that can become a beautiful bonsai.
Join us in June to hear and see how he does it.

President’s Corner

As we move from late spring into summer, many of our trees are going through growth spurts.
Deciduous trees push out leggy shoots and larger leaves.
Let new growth harden off before cutting back, and leaf-prune to reduce leaf size.
You can defoliate a healthy deciduous tree in June and July.
This kind of drastic leaf pruning works with maples, liquid amber, and hornbeam.
It works with many other deciduous trees and some evergreens like oak, but be careful.

Insects and fungus are prevalent during the summer, so plan on use of insecticides and fungicides to control them.
Fertilizer is also important for the health and growth of our trees.
There are an abundance of products on the market.
We get advice on fertilizers during demonstrations, but it differs from artist to artist.
Listen to and search out options and use what works for you.
Remember to generally use half the amount the package recommends for potted plants.
Enjoy your summertime trees.


Members Corner

Welcome New Members:

Susan & Huong Dao
Christopher & Tracy Brown
Steve Salisian & Izzy Murillo

  • Many thanks to all who have renewed for 2023
  • Our membership drive for 2023 continues….
    Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships.
    Dues may be paid by cash or check.
    If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to join SABS please contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail–in membership form.

May 2023 Auction Meeting Highlights

May was an exciting month for our club.
We were not able to have our annual Memorial Day Weekend show because of the on-going construction at the Arboretum.
We turned that negative into a positive by hosting our first-ever bonsai auction on our May meeting night.

Thanks to the auction committee, Chaired by Bryan Nicholson, for the planning and successful operation of the event.
We had a nice mix of club members and visiting bonsai enthusiasts who participated as bidders.
Together with a surprising abundance of bonsai trees and pots, the auction was a great success for the club.

Special thanks go to all the volunteers who handled the operation of the auction.
Wendy Tsai and Lorraine Miles handled the check-in, and together with the treasurers Steve and Judy Anthony, handled the pay-outs to all the sellers.
Ellen Keneshea and Kathy Benson did the critical job of tallying the auction results for each item, keeping calm in the midst of chaos.
Manuel Dizon, Ian Killips and Christian Lebano helped set-up and acted as runners throughout and kept the items moving.
The auctioneers, Mike Kelly and Anthony Aguirre kept the event light-hearted and orderly (mostly).
Bryan Nicholson kept all the paperwork in order to round out the night.
The club appreciates all the hard work and effort that went into producing a wonderful night of bonsai enjoyment for all.

We would also like to extend a “thank you” to all of you who so generously donated items to the Auction

Kathy Benson, YS Farn, Joe Galgoul
Mike Kelly, Ellen Keneshea, David & June Nguy
Steve Riley, Gonzalo Rodriguez, Doyle Saito
Vic Shelton, Lindsay Shiba, Carol Upston

Our paperwork is still a little jumbled, so we apologize to anyone we may have missed on this list.
Thank you very much

And to all who so generously participated during this Auction

2023 SABS Monthly Meeting Dates

June 10 —
Location: LA Arboretum —Ayres Hall
Demo: Bill Ward

July 8 —
Location: home of David & June Nguy
Demo: David Nguy

Aug 12 —
Location: home of Peter & Marissa in West Covina
Demo: Peter Macasieb
Air Layering part 2

Refreshment Schedule

Snacks & Appetizers & Desserts

June 10—
P. Macasieb, S. Riley, Y.S. Farn

July 08—
F. Saya

Aug 12 —
P Macasieb, V Shelton

Sign ups for 2023 Refreshments will be available at the June 10 meeting

Upcoming Events

June 11 — (date corrected from original post)
Arcadia Bonsai Swap Meet
405 S. Santa Anita Ave.
north end of parking lot, 10a-12p .
For more info email: [email protected]

Oct 20-22 —
GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous
Hotel Mission De Oro
Santa Nella
209-826-4444 for reservations (rooms going quickly, other motels in town) go to for info.

Come Join Us

Next Meeting

June 10, 2023

7 pm

LA Arboretum– Ayres Hall
301 N. Baldwin Ave, Arcadia, CA 91007
Enter thru the Ayres Gate in the East parking lot

Newsletter May 2023

Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting: May 13, 2023

SABS Auction
6 pm
LA Arboretum— Ayres Hall

We have a special event planned for the May 13 meeting.
Our SABS club will be hosting a bonsai auction to serve as a fundraiser for the club since we cannot have our annual show and sale.
Construction at the Arboretum continues…

In addition to our club members, the auction is also open to other bonsai clubs that would like to participate as both sellers and bidders.
Items for auction can include bonsai trees, pots, stands, tools, and any bonsai related items you wish to have auctioned.
This will be a “reserve” auction, so you can put a minimum price on the items you wish to auction.
If the bidding does not reach the reserve limit, the item will not be sold.
As with our annual sale, the club will retain 20% of all auction sales as our fundraiser, and the seller will get 80%.
If you choose to put a reserve price on your items, price them so your 80% share reflects your reserve.

The preferred payment method for winning auction bids is cash or check.
Please keep this in mind if you plan to be a bidder.

The Ayres Hall doors will be open at 6:00pm for auction sellers to bring in their items.
This will allow time for the club to prepare the items for auction and have them available for viewing prior to the auction start.
We will start the auction as close to 7:00pm as we can depending on the quantity of items brought in.

Refreshments will be served, so please help by bringing something you would enjoy as a refreshment.
We look forward to seeing you in May.

At-the-door registration is available but there is still time to RSVP.
Click here and let us know you are coming, and if you plan on selling so we have enough tables.

If you have questions or want to volunteer to help, make this fun evening happen, please contact Bryan Nicholson at either 213-709-4171 or [email protected]  

President’s Corner

The construction at the Arboretum is still in progress, so we will meet in Ayres Hall until the classrooms are finally available.
Our meeting June 10 will be the last in Ayres Hall until October.
We will be meeting at alternative sites July, Aug. and Sept. because of summer concerts at the Arboretum on our meeting nights.
We have been making these adjustments for many years now, and we will continue to do so to provide club meetings that our members enjoy.
The July meeting will be at the home of Peter and Marissa Macasieb where we will complete the second part of our pyracantha air-layering project.

Our Aug. and Sept. meeting locations and demonstrations will be shared in upcoming newsletters.

I hope your annual Spring repotting projects have gone well, and your trees are thriving in their new soil and pots. I try to rotate my trees so I only have a small percentage that needs repotting every year. I keep track of the years on tags kept in each pot.
Some use colored tags or ribbons, but having a system and rotating keeps the workload manageable.

It looks like the summer heat is upon us.
We have had a great abundance of watering help this year with all the rain.
Now we have to adjust our watering to counter our warm summer and do the dance between too much water and just the right amount. ~Dave

Members Corner

  • Many thanks to all who have renewed for 2023.
  • Our membership drive for 2023 continues….Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships.
    Dues may be paid by cash or check.
    If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to join SABS please contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail–in membership form.
  • 2023 current members voted to approve the new SABS By-Laws at the April 8 meeting.
  • It is with much sadness that we share with you the passing of Marybel Balendonck at age 97.
    Marybel was one of the founders of American Bonsai and will be missed by all

We would like to extend a special “thank you” to all of you who donated so generously to the April raffle table

Jerry Banuelos, Jim & Helen Barrett, Ray Blasingame, Kathy Benson, Sue Cook, Y.S. Farn, Ellen Keneshea, Peter Macasieb, Dave Miles, Bryan Nicholson, Steve Riley

And to all who so generously purchased raffle tickets

2023 Monthly Meeting Dates

May 13
Location: LA Arboretum—Ayres Hall
SABS Auction

June 10
Location: LA Arboretum —Ayres Hall
Demo: Bill Ward

July 8
Location: in West Covina
Demo: Peter Macasieb

Meeting Refreshment Schedule

May 13
J. Anthony, F. Saya, V. Shelton, D&D Mauzy-Melitz

Extra snacks & appetizers appreciated

June 10
P. Macasieb, S. Riley, Y.S. Farn

Sign ups for 2023 refreshments will be available at the May 13 meeting

Upcoming Events

May 6 & 7
Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai 36th Annual Bonsai Exhibit & Sale
Ken Nakaoka Community Center
1670 W 162nd St, Gardena.
For more info contact Doyle Saito 310-539-9265

May 13
SABS Auction: open to all clubs,
6pm Ayres Hall, LA Arboretum
for more info contact Bryan Nicholson at 213-709-4171, or [email protected]

July 11
Arcadia Bonsai Swap Meet
405 S. Santa Anita Ave., Arcadia,
north end of parking lot, 10a-12p
For more info email: [email protected]

Oct 20-22
GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous
Hotel Mission De Oro, Santa Nella
209-826-4444 for reservations (rooms going quickly, other motels in town) for info.

April 2023 Meeting Highlights

The April meeting was the first of its kind for us.
It was the beginning of a two-part project to establish multiple shohin-size trees from three six-foot-tall nursery grown pyracanthas.
The project began with the efforts of Mike Kelly and Steve Riley who went on a road trip all over L.A. and Orange Counties. They scoured nurseries until they found the right pyracanthas for the project, based on Peter Macasieb’s specifications.
They also collected the soil and rooting pots for the project.

Peter demonstrated the air-layering process, and our members proceeded to make the girdling cuts as directed up and down the trees.
The cuts were followed by an application of root hormone then small plastic pots were split to fit around the cut, wired closed and filled with soil.
I did not get an exact count, but we finished approximately 25 air-layers on the three pyracanthas.
Everyone enjoyed the learning experience, and we look forward to part two at Peter’s home in July.

Mike Kelly obtained a U-Haul truck to transport the pyracanthas so they were secured upright with all the air-layers, and he took them to Peter’s home to await the next step.
Thanks Peter, Mike & Steve!

Thanks to Becky V for her awesome photography

Come Join Us for The SABS Auction

Date: May 13, 2023

Time: 6 pm

Location: LA Arboretum– Ayres Hall
301 N. Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, CA 91007

Enter thru the Ayres Gate in the East parking lot

Newsletter April 2023

Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting:

April 8, 2023
LA Arboretum— Ayres Hall
301 N. Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, CA 91007
Enter thru the Ayres Gate in the East parking lot

The April 8 meeting will be in Ayres Hall at the Arboretum at 7:00pm.

Our program for the evening will be done by club member Peter Macasieb. We have planned an interactive meeting that will involve Peter demonstrating and club members participating in the tree work. Peter will be showing us how to do air-layering to propagate a new tree, and members will have the opportunity to perform air-layering on the demonstration material.

When the air-layering of different branches is complete, the material will be maintained by Peter until a follow-up meeting at Peter’s home, likely in July. At that meeting, members will again participate in the removal and potting of the newly rooted air layers.

This should be a fun learning experience with everyone learning how to make use of this simple way ro propagate new bonsai trees. The multi-meeting format is new for us, and we already plan to use it again next year in a different way.
Join us in April for this fun and useful meeting format.

Peter Macasieb

President’s Corner

In lieu of our annual show and member sales table this year because of construction, our club will host a fund-raising Bonsai Auction at our May 13 meeting. The Auction will be similar to our Annual sale in that 80% of the auction price of an item will go to the owner and 20% will go to the club as our fund raiser to help maintain our club and its ability to provide programs.
The auction will be open to all bonsai clubs who would like to participate in both buying and selling.

More information will follow in this newsletter (see Members Corner). Start thinking about bonsai items you would like to put up for sale. The auction will allow for reserves to be placed on items at the owners discretion.

Our current rain cycle has made for a very unique year so far. I have had my yard sprinkler system turned off for over a month. My bonsai watering needs have been very sporadic. I have used small blocks to slightly tip some of my pots to help with complete draining. I hope all your trees are loving all the rain water as much as mine. They don’t miss the tap water.

I have heard concerns from some of our members that not all of their deciduous trees have leafed out. I am not a plant expert, but my deciduous trees all seem to have their own cycle on when their Spring leaves will come in, some obviously sooner than others. Be patient and enjoy watching as each deciduous tree comes back to life with new leaves.


Members Corner

Welcome New Members:
Miguel Torres
Ken Teh
Lisa Wang & John Scotti
And many thanks to all who have renewed for 2023

Our membership drive for 2023 continues….
Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships.
Dues may be paid by cash or check. If you are unable to attend a meeting and would like to join SABS please contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail-in membership form

2023 current members will be voting to approve the new SABS By-Laws at the April 8 meeting.
Copies are available upon request from Lorraine at [email protected] prior to April 7


You Are Invited

Join your club for a special evening of camaraderie, nibbles, and bonsai –
Santa Anita Bonsai Society is having an auction.  

On May 13, 2023, SABS Club is hosting a bonsai auction. You are invited to bring trees, pots, stands, and any other bonsai (or plant) related item you want to pass on.  

The deal –
SABS is providing drinks and some snacks, and an auctioneer.
We are asking you to bring something tasty to share and the items you want to sell.
You (the seller) keep 80% of the sale amount, and SABS gets 20%.   

Doors open at 6 pm.

This is SABS annual fundraiser, as we are not able to have our annual show this year.  

It would be very helpful if you would RSVP.
Click here to let us know you are coming, and if you plan on selling – so we have enough tables!
If this link doesn’t open please cut & paste into your browser.
If it still doesn’t open then please contact Bryan at [email protected]
or leave an email message at [email protected]

If you have questions or want to volunteer to help make this fun evening happen, please contact Bryan Nicholson at either 213.709.4171, or [email protected].  

Mark your calendars now and start saving your pennies! We look forward to seeing you on May 13

We would like to extend a special “thank you” to all of you who donated so generously to the raffle table

Robert Alderette
Jerry Banuelos
Jim & Helen Barrett
Manuel Dizon
Peter Macasieb
Dave Miles
Bryan Nicholson
Marren Padrones
Tak Shimazu
Ken Teh

And to all who so generously purchased raffle tickets

March 2023 Meeting Highlights

We had a great turnout for the March meeting to watch Tak Shimazu do his magic with a Japanese black pine.
Also, our one-time use of the Oak Room went well and included fresh coffee and tasty cookies from the Peacock Café.

Tak Shimazu

Tak worked on a pine tree the club had purchased at the Bonsai-A-Thon for the demo.
He talked about some of the branches being too elongated for good proportion in the design. The remedy was to cut back to smaller buds on a branch, where possible, to bring the foliage closer to the trunk and make for a more tapered design from bottom to top. Some potential buds needed more time to develop before cutting branches back.

Tak wired and positioned branches into a pleasing informal upright style.
He left a couple of options for the final apex that depended on the future growth of the top.
The final design was a wonderful beginning for the future development of the tree.

Jim Pelling was the enthusiastic raffle winner of Tak’s tree.

In addition to this demonstration black pine, Tak donated a mame elm tree to our raffle. Anthony Giandomencio was the lucky raffle winner of the beautiful little tree.

Thanks to Becky V for her awesome photography

2023 Monthly Meeting Dates

April 8
Location LA Arboretum — Ayres Hall
Demo: Peter Macasieb

May 13
Location: LA Arboretum—Ayres Hall
SABS Auction

June 10
Location: LA Arboretum —Ayres Hall
Demo: TBA

Refreshment Schedule

April 8— J. Anthony, D. Deephouse, P. Macasieb, M.Dizon

May 13— J. Anthony, F. Saya, V. Shelton, D&D Mauzy-Melitz

Sign ups for 2023 will be available at the April 8 meeting

Come Join Us

Newsletter March 2023

Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting

March 11, 2023
LA Arboretum— Oak Room
(lower level of Peacock Café)

Tak Shimazu

Board Meeting at 6pm

Prior to general meeting
Everyone Welcome
We will be discussing options for our Annual Sale and more

Our March 11 meeting will be at the Arboretum at 7pm, but in the Oak Room instead of Ayres Hall. This is a one-time change to allow for use of the Ayres Hall kitchen by another organization. We have been promised hot coffee and fresh cookies in exchange. The Oak Room is located directly below the Peacock Café (directions later in the newsletter).

Tak Shimazu will be our guest demonstrator. He is a well-known local bonsai master, and will style a Japanese black pine at the meeting. Tak was born in Kumamoto, Japan and emigrated to the U.S. in 1968, residing in Orange County. He ran his own gardening service for 40 years before retiring.

Tak got started in bonsai as a hobby, being tutored by his brother. From there, he studied with John Naka and Harry Hirao. He specializes in Japanese black pine and juniper bonsai. Tak is an expert at grafting Itoigawa Shimpaku on San Jose and prostrata juniper. He has led many workshops at GSBF events and teaches at his home in Riverside.

Join us in March to watch Tak’s artistry.

President’s Corner

The Spring brings with it bonsai repotting time. I hope you had a chance to attend the Bonsai-A-Thon at the Huntington and pick up potting supplies if you didn’t already have them. The question of “what mix do you use?” always comes up at this time of year. Answers will vary, but presently inorganic mixes seem to predominate. I am referring to mixes that include some combination of pumice, perlite, lava rock and acadama. A popular mix is equal parts pumice, lava rock and acadama. Some people substitute perlite for pumice. Some use only one of the ingredients, or a different ratio. I have been told adding a little organic potting soil to this mix seems to work well with deciduous trees.

Whatever you use, the goal is soil that drains quickly so water doesn’t pool and lead to root rot.

Acadama is unique to bonsai and usually only found at bonsai supply companies such as Bonsai Unlimited in Chino or House of Bonsai in Lakewood. Bonsai-specific nurseries will also carry it. Pumice and lava rock can be found at landscape supply companies like Whittier Fertilizer Company, Orange County Farm Supply, and O.F. Wolfinbarger in Chino. For pumice, I like using Dry Stall, a product used for horse stalls and available at most farm animal feed stores. Dry Stall is pumice that has already been sifted and washed, so it is ready to mix. (addresses & info for resources are available in the links menu on our website at )

Now is the time to collect the soil elements of your choice and mix it up for potting. How often to repot is another topic, but your trees should be ok as long as your soil drains well and has not become rootbound.


February Meeting Highlights

We had a wonderful time at the February meeting, making up for our lost January meeting. There was an abundance of food for the potluck dinner, our Board members were officially installed, and we played Bonsai Bingo. The meeting was also the kickoff to our annual membership drive and most of our attendees either rejoined or joined for the first time.
We very much appreciate everyone’s support

Mike Kelly was the energetic m/c of bingo and kept the games going until the bountiful prize table was empty. We learned a lot of bonsai-related words we were unfamiliar with along with words we regularly use. Bingo is still bingo in whatever form you use, and there was lots of laughter and anticipation as each game progressed. We often had multiple winners in games, and every winner got a prize (thanks to all the nice items donated by members). “Rock-Paper- Scissors” made it easy to decide which winner could choose first. I think everyone enjoyed the games. Bonsai Bingo may become one of our annual events if the membership agrees.

Thanks to Becky V for her awesome photography

Members Corner

Welcome New Members

Clark & Emily Taylor
Gabriel Gonzalez
Amanda Tsurutani

And to all who renewed again

  • 2023 current members will be voting to approve the new SABS By-Laws at the March meeting.
    Copies are available upon request from Lorraine at [email protected] prior to March 11, 2023.
  • 2023 Membership to Santa Anita Bonsai Society for the calendar year Jan-Dec 2023 began at the Jan “storm lockout” Meeting. Thanks to those of you who have already joined/ renewed.
    Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships. Dues may be paid by cash or check. We are still working on electronic payment but not quite ready to launch. New members who joined in Oct-Dec 2022 will be carried over into 2023. If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to join SABS please contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail–in membership form.
  • We would like to extend a special “thank you” to all of you who donated so generously to the raffle table for Bonsai Bingo

Jim & Helen Barrett, Sue Cook, Manuel Dizon, Ron Espiritu, YS Farn,
Gabriel Gonzalez, Mike Kelly, Peter Macasieb, David & Debra Mauzy Melitz,
Dave Miles, Rick Nabor, Bryan Nicholson, Jim Pelling, Steve Riley,
Richard Ryerson, Vic Shelton, Wendy Tsai, Becky Villasenor

and to all who purchased extra bingo cards—what a fun nite we had!!!!

Thanks to all
who donated food to our
Annual Potluck

Upcoming Events

2nd Saturday monthly
Kimura Bonsai sponsors monthly workshops at their new site, Kashi no ki-en in Castaic; contact them for details at 818-343-4090.

April 24
GSBF Golden Zoom Series with Andrew Robson on defoliation

2023 Monthly Meeting Dates

Mar 11
Location: LA Arboretum—Oak Room (lower level of Peacock Cafe)
Demo: Tak Shimazu

April 8
Location LA Arboretum — Ayres Hall
Demo: Peter Macasieb

May 13
Location: LA Arboretum—Ayres Hall

Meeting Refreshment Schedule
SABS Club to provide water

Mar 11
J. Anthony, S. Cook, B Villasenor
plus cookies & coffee compliments of the Peacock Cafe

April 8
J. Anthony, D. Deephouse, P. Macasieb

May 13
J. Anthony, F. Saya, V. Shelton, D&D Mauzy-Melitz

Come Join Us

Next Meeting
Date: March 11, 2023
Time: 7pm

LA Arboretum– Oak Room
lower level of Peacock Cafe
301 N. Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, CA 91007

The main entrance is at Ayres Hall Gate in the East parking lot during construction

Directions to the Oak Room at the Arboretum

Enter through the Ayres Hall gate and follow the cement walking path west until it intersects the asphalt path.
Turn left and you will arrive at the Peacock Café.
Follow the path to the right of the café which will take you to the lower level and the Oak Room.

Newsletter February 2023

Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting:
February 11, 2023
LA Arboretum– Ayres Hall
Join us for
The SABS Annual Potluck
Membership Drive
Bonsai Bingo

Board Meeting at 6pm
prior to general meeting
Everyone Welcome
We will be discussing options for our May 2023 Annual Show and Sale

The temporary entrance to the Arboretum is through the Ayres Hall Gate while the front area is under construction. Ayres Hall is the building on the left as you enter the gate. The doors will be open on the far side of the building.

President’s Corner

I will start this newsletter by once again welcoming everyone to a new year of bonsai for the Santa Anita Bonsai Society. We had a wet and disappointing experience trying to start off our year in January. Arboretum Security failed to open the gate and Ayres Hall for our meeting. We stood in the rain with our potluck food and called several phone numbers trying to reach the security office with no success. In the end, I had to cancel the meeting, and we all went home wet and with extra food to eat.

I called the Arboretum on the Monday following, and they were very apologetic. Security had a schedule that included our meeting, but someone “dropped the ball”. I was given a new phone number for the security office since, apparently, the previous security company’s contract had expired, and a new company had taken over.

I appreciate the effort of all the members who braved the rain and showed up eager to eat and play bingo.

The February 11 meeting will be a repeat of the January plan. We will have the potluck dinner, a brief officer installation ceremony, and play Bonsai Bingo. The club will provide the main dish and water. Please bring your favorite side, salad or dessert for the potluck.

The meeting will also kickoff our annual membership drive/renewal. Come and help us continue to sustain our club by renewing your membership or joining for the first time. Memberships can be paid with cash or check.

Our meeting entertainment will consist of several Bonsai Bingo games, played one after another. Each member in attendance will receive a game card and additional game cards will be available for purchase. The cards will be reused for each new game. Game winners will get a prize from the prize/raffle table, so please bring a prize item you would like to win. I guarantee you will all enjoy the games.

Thanks to Mike Kelly &

For 2023 we have several programs planned to provide a worthwhile learning experience as we celebrate the art of bonsai.


Members Corner

  • 2023 Officers Installation and Board members introductions will happen at the Feb 2023 meeting.
    It is time to refill many of our board positions. Post covid, there are multiple vacancies and we could truly use your help and ideas. We are an entirely volunteer board and try to divide up responsibilities and keep the new ideas flowing. If you are interested in helping please contact Dave & Lorraine at [email protected] or call Dave at 909 519 5391 before the Feb 11 meeting to find out more about the following positions:
    Vice President: Program Chair: arranging for demonstrators and workshops for the monthly meetings
    Social Media Director/ Liaison: all things media related
    Secretary: record minutes at board mtgs
    Hospitality Chair and committee of 2-3: manage the monthly meeting refreshment table
    Members at large: varying assignments including badges, raffle table assistant, photographer, historian, and more
  • 2023 Membership to Santa Anita Bonsai Society for the calendar year Jan-Dec 2023 began at the Jan Meeting. Thanks to those of you who joined and renewed in the pouring rain.
    Annual Dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships. Dues may be paid by cash or check.
    We are still working on electronic payment but not quite ready to launch.
    New members who joined in Oct-Dec 2022 will be carried over into 2023.
  • We are trying something new– As discussed at the Nov meeting, we are trying to save on printing & mailing expenses.
    Beginning Jan 2023 the newsletter will be available primarily online at the website and via email.
    Those of you who previously received it by US mail will now be able to access more photos and current club & area updates.
    An email will be sent monthly to let you know that the newsletter has been posted.
    Your email changes and corrections should be sent to Lorraine at [email protected].
    For members without computer access the US mailing can continue, just let Lorraine know your status.

Members Corner- Highlights

The Baikoen Bonsai Kenkyukai Winter Silhouette Show on Jan 21-22 was spectacular.
It is truly a unique, one of its kind show.
It was extra special for SABS this year, as our President, Dave, was the recipient of the Nagata-Komai Award. As he explained to us all, it was a humbling honor to receive this award. He began his bonsai journey in 1973 (50 yrs ago) by taking classes at the Komai Nursery with his sensei, Jim Barrett.
An added highlight for the evening was the opportunity to meet with Karen Komai Margolis, Khan and Kay’s daughter, just prior to Dave receiving this award.

Many thanks to Lindsay, Debbie, Big Joe and all the Baikoen Club members from the Miles Family & SABS.

Welcome New 2023 Members

Christian Lebano
Cedric Navarro

2023 SABS Monthly Meeting Dates

Feb 11
Location: LA Arboretum– Ayres Hall
Annual Meeting
Potluck, Membership Drive, Bonsai Bingo

Club will provide main dish & water
Bring your favorite side, salad or dessert

and play
Bonsai Bingo
It will be an evening of fun & learning & prizes.
Bring something for the prize/raffle table that you would like to win– plants, pots, tools, books, accessories, a bag of dirt…
Multiple games will be played.

Mar 11
Location: LA Arboretum—Ayres Hall
Demo: Tak Shimazu

April 8
Location LA Arboretum — Ayres Hall
Demo: TBA

2023 Refreshment Schedule

Please bring food to share for our Feb 11 Potluck.
the main dishes will include:
Pork inihaw (grilled pork), pancit bihon (Philippine noodles) & El Pollo Loco Chicken

Sign ups for 2023 will be available at the Feb 11 meeting

Upcoming Events

Feb 3-5, 2023
California Shohin Society 18th Biennial Shohin Seminar 2023.
Hotel Mission de Oro Conference Center, Santa Nella, CA.

Feb 25-26,2023
GSBF Bonsai-A-Thon,
The Huntington Botanical Gardens, 1151Oxford Rd. San Marino
the link on the reservation portal is:
If link does not open then cut & paste into your browser

Come Join Us Feb 11

Newsletter January 2023

Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting
January 14, 2023
LA Arboretum– Ayres Hall

Welcome to a new year of bonsai! Our January 14 meeting will be held at 7:00pm at the Arboretum. We will meet in Ayres Hall, and you will enter the Arboretum through the Ayres Hall gate (the temporary main entrance). Once through the gate, follow the perimeter of the building around the corners to the south side doors.

This meeting will be our annual potluck dinner and will include a brief ceremony for the installation of club officers. The club will be providing the main dish for dinner. Bring your favorite side, salad or dessert for the potluck. The meeting will also be the time for annual membership renewal, so please come prepared to help sustain our club by renewing (or joining for the first time). Memberships can be paid for with cash or check.

Along with all the great food and social time, our program will consist of games of Bonsai Bingo that we are confident you will all enjoy. The bingo card squares are bonsai-related words rather than numbers and letters, making the game both informative and entertaining. We will play multiple games with winners getting a prize from the prize/raffle table, so please bring something for the prize table you would like to win.

Thanks to Mike Kelly &

Every member in attendance will receive a game card and additional cards will be available for purchase (cash only). The cards will be reused for each new game. There are often multiple winners in each game, making each game exciting for everyone.
We are planning a new year full of interesting bonsai programs, and we look forward to continuing our efforts to provide a worthwhile learning experience as we celebrate the art of bonsai.

President’s Corner

Happy New Year to all of you.
I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and that you are ready for a new year of bonsai events. We start off with our annual holiday potluck dinner and membership drive (see Members Corner for details). Then Baikoen will host their Annual Winter Silhouettes Show Jan 21-22. It is the most unique show of its kind and should not be missed.
The California Shohin Society will have the Shohin Seminar in Santa Nella Feb.3-5, and the GSBF Bonsai-A-Thon will be held Feb.25-26 at the Huntington. These events are a great beginning to the year and a wonderful way to explore the art of bonsai.

We will be back at the Arboretum for at least six meetings this year while the main entrance area is still under construction. Our newsletter/ website will keep you up to date when we schedule a meeting at an alternate site. The meetings will all be held in Ayres Hall, but the Hall will not be available to us for our annual show this year. Other options for a show location are being considered, and if anyone has a suggestion, please let me know.

As president, I want to thank all the members of the SABS Board of Directors for their help in continuing to keep our club viable. We could not operate a club without them. There will be an installation ceremony at the January meeting for the Board officers, so you can see who they are. We will also recognize the other Board members who handle the different tasks to make our meetings possible. We welcome anyone in the club willing to help us and volunteer needs will be shared at the meeting.


Members Corner

  • 2023 Officers Installation and Board members introductions will happen at the Jan 2023 meeting.
    It is time to refill many of our board positions. Post covid, there are multiple vacancies and we could truly use your help and ideas. We are an entirely volunteer board and try to divide up responsibilities and keep the new ideas flowing.
    If you are interested in helping please contact Dave & Lorraine at [email protected], or call Dave at 909 519 5391 before the Jan 14 meeting to find out more about the following positions:
    Vice President/Program Chairman: arranging for demonstrators and workshops for the monthly meetings
    Secretary: record minutes at board mtgs
    Social Media Director/ Liaison: all things media related
    Hospitality Chairman and committee of 2-3: manage the monthly meeting refreshment table
    Members at large: varying assignments including badges, raffle table assistant, photographer, historian, and more
  • 2023 Membership to Santa Anita Bonsai Society for the calendar year Jan-Dec 2023 will be available beginning at the Jan meeting.
    Annual Dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships. Dues may be paid by cash or check. We are still working on electronic payment but not quite ready to launch.
    New members who joined in Oct-Dec 2022 will be carried over into 2023.
  • We are trying something new–
    As discussed at the Nov meeting, to save on printing & mailing expenses beginning Jan 2023 the newsletter will be available primarily online at the website and via email.
    Those of you who previously received it by US mail will now be able to access more photos and current club & area updates.
    An email will be sent monthly to let you know that the newsletter has been posted and available to download.
    Your email changes and corrections should be sent to Lorraine at [email protected].
    For members without computer access US mailing can continue, just let Lorraine know your status.

Nov 2022 Event Highlights

Al Rivera was our guest demonstrator in November, and he brought his associate Takuma Lenaga along to assist him. Al had three trees for members to chose from for the demo, and their choice was a nice Kishu Shimpaku.
He began his styling by removing undergrowth and cleaning up the inside of branches to make room for wire.
Al jinned several branches for his design and then wrapped the trunk and remaining branches with rubberized electrical tape. He said this type of tape stretched well and provided a tight wrap to protect the tree against severe bending once the wire was applied. Al used heavy wiring and, with the help of Takuma, made tight bends in the trunk and branches to achieve his intended design.
The completed styling produced a beautiful informal upright tree that was drastically different from the material Al started with.

Steve Anthony was the lucky raffle winner of Al’s tree; a great gift for the holidays.

Thank You
To our November Raffle Table Donors

Bob Alderette
Steve & Judy Anthony
Jim & Helen Barrett
Jerry Banuelos
Dave Miles
Al Rivera
YS Farn

And to all who so generously purchased tickets

Welcome New Members

Tom Poplin
David Clark

Upcoming Events

Jan 21-22, 2023
59th Baikoen Bonsai Kenkyukai Winter Silhouette Show and Sale
Temple City Live Oak Park Community Center, Live Oak Room
10144 Bogue St. Temple City, CA 91780
10a– 4:30p
Sales and demonstration at 1pm on both days

Feb 3-5, 2023
California Shohin Society 18th Biennial Shohin Seminar 2023
Hotel Mission de Oro Conference Center, Santa Nella, CA
Registration must be postmarked by Dec 15, 2022 to be part of the workshop lottery

Feb 25-26,2023
GSBF Bonsai-A-Thon
The Huntington Botanical Gardens, 1151Oxford Rd. San Marino
watch for link on reservation portal (available after Jan 10)

2023 Monthly Meeting Dates

Jan 14 -– Location: LA Arboretum– Ayres Hall
Annual Meeting
Potluck, Membership Drive, Bonsai Bingo
Bonsai Bingo will be an evening of fun & learning for all
Bring something for the prize/raffle table that you would like to win–
…plants, pots, tools, books, accessories, a bag of dirt… Multiple games will be played

Feb 11 — Location: LA Arboretum—Ayres Hall
Demo: TBA

Mar 11— Location: LA Arboretum—Ayres Hall
Demo: TBA

Come Join Us

Date: January 14, 2023
Time: 7pm
Location: LA Arboretum– Ayres Hall
301 N. Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, CA 91007

Refreshment Schedule

Jan 14– Annual Potluck
Club will provide main dish & water
Bring your favorite side, salad or dessert

Refreshment Sign ups for 2023 will be available at the Jan meeting

Newsletter December 2022

Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting:
January 14, 2023
LA Arboretum- Ayres Hall

Santa Anita Bonsai Society Members,

There will not be a general meeting during December.
Please Save the Date– Jan 14, 2023 to attend the SABS Annual Potluck Dinner Meeting
Additional information & details about this meeting will be in the Jan Newsletter posted on our website

We would like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas Season and many blessings during this most wonderful time of the year.

As Always,
Dave & Lorraine

[email protected]