Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting:
July 8, 2023

At the home of David & June Nguy
Shisei-En Bonsai Garden
Chino, CA
It is time for our summer road trips.
We begin with our July 8 meeting being held at the home of David and June Nguy.
They will be hosting our meeting at their home in Chino.
David and June are long-time, gracious supporters of our club, and it is a real pleasure and treat for our members to have the opportunity to view their wonderful bonsai collection.
We will start the meeting at 6:00pm rather than our normal start time, to take advantage of the sunlight hours.
Members are invited to come early to have the time to walk through the Shisei-En Bonsai Garden and also see their beautiful Tea House.
We are asking members to bring appetizers or a dessert for refreshments and water will be supplied.
David will be our demonstrator for the evening, and it will be very instructive. He will talk a lot about the basics of bonsai as he works and encourage questions during the styling process.
This will be an opportunity for us to have one of the best bonsai artists in the world share his talents exclusively for us.
David is well known throughout the bonsai world for his work with California junipers and Japanese black pine. He has studied with Harry Hirao, Ben Oki, and Ernie Kuo.
David has traveled to Japan and studied with Masahiko Kimura.
David has traveled throughout the United States doing demonstrations and participating as a headliner at bonsai conventions. He has been active with the Golden State Bonsai Federation for many years and currently leads the Chino Bonsai Club.
Come join us for an exciting night of bonsai.
President’s Corner
It looks like our regular morning overcast is giving way to a warm summer. If you haven’t done your black pine candle pruning and needle pulling, get to it. If you aren’t sure about this process with your black pine, ask at the next meeting.
We have plenty of members who understand the process and will be glad to explain.
Or there is probably a Utube video on-line that covers it.
In Marty Mann’s book, Bonsai Ideas, he has a chapter on seasonal care of bonsai trees.
For July, he mentions that the hot days and cool nights bring about tip growth and long internodes. My junipers have been pushing hard and need cutting back to keep from becoming bushes! Marty writes that cutting back the tip growth will encourage shorter internodes and help secondary branching.
Most repotting is stopped in summer months, but some trees can still be transplanted.
You can repot ficus material, pomegranates, cotoneaster, wisteria, and pyracantha.
Also, keep up a regular watering schedule, and don’t let tree roots completely dry out.
With the summer heat, keep an eye on shohin trees and any tree in a shallow container, because they are going to dry out faster. You might need more than one watering a day.
Looking ahead to next month, we will be meeting at the home of Peter and Marissa Macasieb to complete the second part of our pyracantha air-layering project.
We want everyone who participated in step one of the air-layering project to go home with a potted, shohin-size tree next month.
Those of you who missed our step 1 meeting are very welcome to come and observe this amazing technique.
Members Corner
Welcome New Members:
Kelly Lui
- Many thanks to all who have renewed for 2023.
- Our membership drive for 2023 continues….Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships.
Dues may be paid by cash or check.
If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to join SABS please contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail –in membership form.
- For security reasons we are not posting address and directions for the July meeting.
Most of us have been to David & June’s and know the way.
If this is your 1st time visiting the Shisei-En Bonsai Gardens, please contact Lorraine at [email protected] or another SABS member for directions & information.
June 2023 Meeting Highlights

Bill Ward was our guest demonstrator for the first time at the June meeting.
He is becoming known for his knack and enthusiasm for searching out nurseries to find affordable material for use as bonsai.

Bill brought along a large display of his trees to showcase the results you can get from material that can be purchased at low cost; something we can all appreciate.
For his demo, Bill worked on a large, bushy foemina juniper he found through his search process. He started by cleaning up the branches; removing branches growing up or down and crotch growth. Then he picked the branches he wanted for his design and wired them.
Some of the leftover branches were used for jin. Bill chose to have a deadwood apex and stripped off the bark and carved a lightening-struck look for the top. He said he often uses a butane torch to burn the deadwood, followed by wire brushing for an aged look.

While working on the tree, Bill talked about fertilizer products he uses.
They included Osmocoat, another called Organic Plus, and a fish and kelp product containing molasses.
Bill finished with a tree that opened up the branches for sunlight and future filling out.
It was a great example of the possibilities available with low cost material.

Susan Dao was the lucky raffle winner of the demo tree.
Jerry Banuelos won the pot for the name-badge drawing.
We had a full raffle table and many happy winners to round out the evening.
Photos by Becky V– many thanks!
More photos available at
Check out the Gallery Section
A Special thank you to our June Raffle Donors
Bob Alderette, Jim and Helen Barrett, Jerry Banuelos
Marge Blasingame, Sue Cook, Y.S. Farn
Dave Miles, Steve Riley, Becky Villasenor
And to all who so generously purchased raffle tickets

Auction donation thank you’s continue:
To Mel Ikeda & Rick Naber– SABS appreciates your support !!!!
2023 Monthly Meeting Dates
July 08
Location: home of David & June Nguy
Shisei-En Bonsai Garden
Demo: David Nguy
Aug 12
Location: in West Covina
Demo: Peter Macasieb
Air Layering part 2
Sept 09
Location: TBA
Demo: Robert Hoogeveen
Meeting Refreshment Schedule
Snacks & Appetizers & Desserts SABS provides water
July 08
Please bring your favorite snack, appetizer or dessert to share
Aug 12
P Macasieb, V Shelton
Upcoming Events
July 1-2
The Vietnamese Bonsai Society hosts their annual Bonsai and Nonbo Exhibition
Vietnamese American Buddhist Assoc.
12292 Magnolia St., Garden Grove (Magnolia/Lampson)
9a-5p daily
Demos at 1p
Oct 20-22
GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous
Hotel Mission De Oro, Santa Nella
209-826-4444 for reservations (rooms going quickly, other motels in town),
go to for info.
Come Join Us
Next Meeting
Date: July 8, 2023
Time: 6 pm
Location: Home of David & June Nguy
Shisei-En Bonsai Garden
Chino, CA
If you need directions contact Lorraine at [email protected]
You are invited to come early and take a walk around the Garden
there is so much to see