Newsletter May 2024

Santa Anita Bonsai Society

Bonsai Notebook

May’s SABS Program:

May’s meeting will be a BYOT (bring your own tree), or whatever you want advice, help, or just need to finish prepping for the show.
FYI – this would be a good time to moss your display items, so the moss has a little time to settle in.
This is also an opportunity to bring things you are thinking about using, and getting suggestions or opinions before making final decisions on your display(s).

This month’s meeting will be May 11 at seven p.m.

President’s Message

Greetings Santa Anita Bonsai Society!

April’s meeting was a great learning opportunity – thank you Lindsay Shiba for coming and sharing your years of experience with us in preparation for our show.
And a thank you to Debbie too, for coming to visit with Lindsay.

I truly appreciate all the members who brought trees, accent plants and stands (especially given the rain we had that evening), and those who participated in our show prep workshop – especially Mike Kelly and Steve Riley for bringing full displays and extra parts to play mix and match with.

In keeping with the show preparation theme – May’s meeting will be a BYOT (bring your own tree), or whatever you want advice, help, or just need to finish prepping for the show.
FYI – this would be a good time to moss your display items, so the moss has a little time to settle in.
This is also an opportunity to bring things you are thinking about using, and getting suggestions or opinions before making final decisions on your display(s).

Anthony, our intrepid VP and Program Chair is hard at work planning the rest of the year’s programming – thank you Anthony.

Anthony has secured Bill Ward for our June post show meeting.
Bill will be providing his expertise on how to ferret out great material from unusual locations, and he will provide insights and tricks of the trade on how to take the raw nursery stock and transform it into new bonsai.
This should be an interesting presentation, as well as a great learning opportunity for all the new members we are sure to recruit during our upcoming show.

Lastly – a little foreshadowing, mark your calendars for July’s meeting – we will be hosted by Peter and Marissa Macasieb, and we will be meeting at one o’clock, not the usual seven.

You are welcome to reach out and contact me either via email or phone/text: [email protected] or 213.709.4171.

Cheers, TBWN

“Thank You” to our Raffle Donors

Wendy Tsai
Becky Villasenor
Vic Shelton
YS Farn
Peter Macasieb
Mike Kelly
Debra & David Melitz-Mauzy

SABS appreciates your support!!!

57th Annual Bonsai Exhibition

Now is the time to decide what you want to show at our upcoming exhibit.
You can follow this QR code to sign-up and let us know what you want to show, and when you want to volunteer to staff our show.
Paper copies will be available at our next meeting. URL:

Last Month’s Meeting Highlights: April 2024

2024 SABS Monthly Meeting Dates

May 11— BYOT (Show Prep Working Meeting)
May 24—Show Set Up
May 25-27—SABS Annual Show
June 8— Bill Ward (Sourcing & Developing New Material )
July 13—Peter Macasieb (Meeting @ 1p.m.)


Our snack table is only as good as our members—and the delicious snacks we all bring to share!

Water provided

Upcoming Community Events

San Diego Bonsai Club, Spring Show—
April 27th & 28th, 2024 (Balboa Park, San Diego)

Chino Bonsai Club, Fourth Annual Show –
May 4th & 5th 2024 (San Gabriel)

Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai, Annual Show—
May 11th & 12th, 2024 (Gardena)

Santa Anita Bonsai Society, Annual Show—
May 25th ~27th, 2024 (Arcadia)

You can find all the Northern California shows on GSBF’s website.

Come Join Us
for more information about Santa Anita Bonsai Society: [email protected]

May 2024 Update

Next Meeting: May 11, 2024

LA Arboretum- Palm Room


May’s meeting will be a BYOT (bring your own tree), or whatever you want advice, help, or just need to finish prepping for the show. FYI – this would be a good time to moss your display items, so the moss has a little time to settle in. This is also an opportunity to bring things you are thinking about using, and getting suggestions or opinions before making final decisions on your display(s).

For questions and information please contact Bryan Nicholson at [email protected]

Newsletter April 2024

Santa Anita Bonsai Society

Bonsai Notebook

In preparation for our upcoming show, local bonsai master Lindsey Shiba will be joining us, to discuss and workshop display options.
Plan to bring the tree(s), accent(s), stand(s), and other items you are considering showing at our May show, and play with us to find the best option(s).
This will be an interactive meeting—come prepared!

President’s Message

Greetings Santa Anita Bonsai Society!

As the new president, I wanted to take this opportunity to offer our sincere thank you to both Dave and Lorraine for their years of tireless service and work to keep our club functioning.
While they are not leaving, they are in the process of taking a well-deserved opportunity to enjoy just being members.
Join me in saying thank you!

I want to say thank you to all those club members who stepped forward and volunteered to be part of the leadership of our club, taking on the work of making our meeting and activities succeed.
Join me in welcoming:
Vice President (& Program Chair): Anthony Aguirre
Secretary & Badges: David Melitz
Membership Chair: Sue Cook (w/ Lorraine Miles)
Hospitality Chair: Manuel Dizon
Raffle Chair: Becky Villasenor (w/ Mike Kelly)

We have a few positions that are still needing people. I invite you to think about being part of your club.
It is only when we all step up and help out that our club thrives.
Website Manager
Newsletter Editor

If you have any interested in being more involved in your club, let me know, and we can chat about how you can be more involved.

As your new president of Santa Anita Bonsai Society, I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself to those who do not know me, and remind those that do who I am.
My name is Thomas Bryan William Nicholson – most bonsai people call me Bryan, though at this point in my life, I tend to answer to just about any of them.
I began my official bonsai journey back in 1994 as a wee high school student.
Prior to that, I was a gardener who was trying out all sorts of things (I was a kid, I was learning – and still am).

I have been on boards since I was 18, starting as VP for Shohin (now defunct club) where I planned programing.
I chaired the Bonsai-A-Thon following Ted in 2000, as well as serving on a few other local club boards.

A native Texan, I have spent most of my life living between there and here, so the occasional y’all is to be expected.

I look forward to meeting all our members in the coming months, and please feel free to reach out and say howdy.

In other club business, now is the time to be looking at your trees and start planning what you want to show at our annual show this coming May 24~27, 2024 (over Memorial Day Weekend).
Anthony is planning various programs over the next few months that will help us all be better prepared to show our trees, and have a really great show.

Thank you to everyone that has been involved in keeping our club going, and I look forward to working with you all to continue that legacy.

You are welcome to reach out and contact me either via email or phone/text:
[email protected] or


“Thank You” to our Raffle Donors

  • Ted Matson
  • Becky Villasenor
  • Dave Miles
  • Jim & Helen Barrett
  • YS Farn
  • Jerry Banuelos
  • Anthony Aquirre
  • Mike Kelly

57th Annual Show Information and Sign UP

Now is the time to decide what you want to show at our upcoming exhibit.
You can follow this QR code (see attached newsletter or use link below) to sign-up and let us know what you want to show,
and when you want to volunteer to staff our show.
Paper copies will be available at our
next meeting. (URL:

Last Month’s Meeting Highlights- Feb 2024

Last month SABS hosted Ted Matson as our program leader.
Ted reviewed the trees members brought, and provided both immediate critique in preparation for our upcoming show, as well as offering insights for the longterm health and development of trees.

One key takeaway I learned—when applying moss to your tree, paint it with a slurry of worm castings; this will provide the moss with nutrients in the transition, as well as providing a moisture reservoir without affecting the underlying soil.

Upcoming Events

Friendship Through Bonsai at Shisei-En — April 20, 2024 (Chino)

San Diego Bonsai Club, Spring Show—April 27th & 28th, 2024 (Balboa Park, San Diego)

Chino Bonsai Club, Fourth Annual Show – May 4th & 5th 2024 (San Gabriel)

Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai, Annual Show—May 11th & 12th, 2024 (Gardena)

Santa Anita Bonsai Society, Annual Show—May 25th ~27th, 2024 (Arcadia)

You can find all the Northern California shows on GSBF’s website.

2024 Monthly Meeting Dates

April 13—Display & show preparation

May 11— Club Meeting (Program TBA)

May 24—Show Set Up

May 25-27—SABS Annual Show

June 8— Club Meeting (Program TBA)


Our snack table is only as good as our members—and the delicious snacks we all bring to share!

Water provided

Update March 2024

Santa Anita Bonsai Society

March Meeting Update

When: March 9, 2024

Where: LA Arboretum Palm Room

Time: 7pm

Ted Matson, Curator of the GSBF Collection at the Huntington Library, will be our guest at the March meeting. He will be critiquing club member trees to give them time to work on trees and prepare them for the SABS Memorial Weekend Show. We encourage everyone to bring trees for the show that they would like to display and take advantage of Ted’s expertise.

Newsletter February 2024

Santa Anita Bonsai Society
Feb 2024 Update

Next SABS Meeting

Feb 10, 2024
Annual Potluck & Bonsai Bingo
LA Arboretum- Palm Room

President’s Corner

Our first meeting of the new year will be February 10 at 6pm in the Palm Room at the Arboretum.
We are starting early to facilitate our annual potluck dinner followed by an exciting evening of Bonsai Bingo.
For the potluck dinner the club will supply the main dish (El Pollo Loco Chicken) and water.
We ask that everyone bring their favorite appetizer, salad or dessert to fill out our potluck table.

We have played Bonsai Bingo in the past, and it was entertaining an fun.
Everyone in attendance will get a bingo card, and additional cards will be available for purchase.
We ask that you bring a bonsai-related item for the table that you would like to win: trees, pots, tools, soil etc.
More items mean more fun for all.

This meeting will also serve as our annual membership drive.
We can take cash or checks for membership at our still low price of $20 for individuals and $25 for families.
Please renew or join for the first time to support the club.

I hope everyone had an opportunity to attend the Baikoen Winter Silhouettes Show in January.
I saw many of you at the Saturday reception; always a great event

Members Corner

This meeting is when 2024 officers and board members are confirmed.
We currently have many club officer and chairman positions that need to be filled for our club to keep operating successfully in 2024.
Several volunteers have already come forward but more are needed.
If you are interested in volunteering please let Dave know at the start of this meeting.
Voting will take place after the Potluck.

Positions needing to be filled include:

  • President
  • Program Chair/ Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary
  • Membership Chair/ Badges
  • Website Manager
  • Newsletter Editor
  • Raffle Chair
  • Hospitality Chair
  • Annual Show Chair

Upcoming SABS Meeting Dates

Feb 10:
Annual Potluck dinner and Bonsai Bingo
Time: 6pm
Location: Arboretum- Palm Room

March 9:
Time: 7p
Location: Arboretum
Program: TBA

April 13:
Time: 7p
Location: Arboretum
Program: TBA

Upcoming Events

Feb 24-25
Huntington Botanical Garden
1151 Oxford Rd, San Marino
10a-5p vendors & show
Demos both days 10a-2p

Also check out for local and regional events

Santa Anita Bonsai Society

Feb 2024 Update

Next SABS Meeting: Feb 10, 2024

Annual Potluck & Bonsai Bingo LA Arboretum – Palm Room

President’s Corner

Our first meeting of the new year will be February 10 at 6pm in the Palm Room at the Arboretum. We are starting early to facilitate our annual potluck dinner followed by an exciting evening of Bonsai Bingo. For the potluck dinner the club will supply the main dish (El Pollo Loco Chicken) and water. We ask that everyone bring their favorite appetizer, salad or dessert to fill out our potluck table.

We have played Bonsai Bingo in the past, and it was entertaining an fun. Everyone in attendance will get a bingo card, and additional cards will be available for purchase. We ask that you bring a bonsai-related item for the table that you would like to win: trees, pots, tools, soil etc. More items mean more fun for all.

This meeting will also serve as our annual membership drive. We can take cash or checks for membership at our still low price of $20 for individuals and $25 for families. Please renew or join for the first time to support the club.

I hope everyone had an opportunity to attend the Baikoen Winter Silhouettes Show in January. I saw many of you at the Saturday reception; always a great event ~Dave

Members Corner

This meeting is when officers and board members are confirmed. We currently have many club officer and chairman positions that need to be filled for our club to keep operating successfully in 2024. Several volunteers have already come forward but more are needed. If you are interested in volunteering please let Dave know at the start of this meeting. Voting will take place after the Potluck. Positions needing to be filled include:

– President – – Program Chair/ Vice President – Treasurer – Secretary

– Membership Chair/ Badges – Website Manager – Newsletter Editor – Raffle Chair – Hospitality Chair – Annual Show Chair

Upcoming SABS Meeting Dates

Feb 10:

Annual Potluck dinner and Bonsai Bingo

Time: 6pm

Location: Arboretum- Palm Room

March 9 :

Time: 7p

Location: Arboretum

Program: TBA

April 13 :

Time: 7p

Location: Arboretum

Program: TBA

Upcoming Events

Feb 24-25 Bonsai-A-Thon Huntington Botanical Garden 1151 Oxford Rd, San Marino 10a-5p vendors & show, Demos both days 10a-2p

Also check out for local and regional events

Newsletter January 2024

Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting:
Feb 10, 2024
Annual Potluck & Bonsai Bingo
LA Arboretum– Palm Room

President’s Corner

Jan update-

Happy New Year to everyone.
I hope you all had a joyous Christmas and are looking forward to another great new year.

We canceled the Annual Potluck Dinner meeting for January because of a conflict with the Baikoen Winter Silhouettes Show reception on the same night.
I encourage everyone to attend the reception in Ayres Hall at the Arboretum on Jan. 13 at 6:00pm.

The SABS Potluck Dinner meeting and program will be held at our Feb. 10 meeting at the Arboretum.
We hope to see all of you in Feb.

                             * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

It is with great sadness that I must report the passing of Marge Blasingame on Dec. 22, at the age of 87.
She had been in declining health for a while, and we missed her presence at our meetings.

Marge began her long journey in the world of bonsai in 1989 when she began taking classes with Melba Tucker.
From that time, she has been involved with everything bonsai related in Southern California.
She was the long-standing secretary of the Santa Anita Bonsai Society, managed our refreshment table, was our annual show chairman, and club historian.
She was also an active member of Baikoen, Kofu Kai, Descanso, California Bonsai Society, California Shohin Society, and Aiseki Kai clubs.
In addition, Marge served as Co-Chair of the Bonsai-A-Thon.

I had the pleasure of spending years with Marge as students of ceramics under the tutelage of Kathy Boehme.
She made beautiful shohin pots.

We will greatly miss Marge’s presence and involvement in the bonsai world.

Members Corner

This is a season of change for SABS

This past December both Steve & Judy Anthony and Jim & Judylynn Pelling announced their retirements from the SABS Board.

We would like to thank Steve & Judy Anthony for their many years serving as Treasurers to our club.
Their dedication and effort to SABS has been invaluable and so very much appreciated.

We also want to thank Jim & Judylynn Pelling for their work at handling the duties of Raffle Chairman.

The volunteer work of both the Anthony’s and Pellings are what keep our club running.

A Quest for New Leadership

We currently have club officer and chairman positions that need to be filled for our club to keep operating successfully in 2024.
Positions needing to be filled include:
Raffle Chairman
Website Manager
Newsletter Editor
Membership Chairman
Hospitality Chairman

Anyone willing to help us out and consider filling one of these positions should contact Dave at 909 519 5391 or at [email protected]

We need volunteers as soon as possible. ~Dave

December 2023 Merry Christmas to all!

I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
The Club does not have a scheduled meeting in Dec so our members can enjoy the holidays.

It became necessary for our Board to cancel the Annual Potluck Dinner at the January 2024 meeting because of a conflict with the Baikoen Winter Silhouettes Show Reception on the same night.
I encourage everyone to attend the reception in Ayres Hall at the Arboretum on January 13 at 6:00pm.

The SABS Board met in November and decided to move the Potluck dinner and program to the Feb 10, 2024 meeting at the Arboretum.
So we hope to see you all in February.

Our November workshop with Robert Hoogeveen was a great learning experience for all who brought trees.
Robert spent time with each participating member and provided his thoughts and suggestions for how to move the tree designs forward.
All of our members learned from listening to Robert’s ideas.

We currently have club officer and chairman positions that need to be filled in order for the SABS Club to continue operating successfully in 2024.
Positions needing to be filled include: President, Treasurer, Website Manager & Newsletter Editor, Raffle Chairman, Membership Chairman & Hospitality Chairman.
Anyone willing to help us out and consider filling these positions should contact me.
In order to prepare new officers and chairmen to take over these positions, we need volunteers as soon as possible.


Members Corner

All Southern California Bonsai Clubs also belong to Golden State Bonsai Federation
—GSBF is the statewide governing body for bonsai clubs in the state of California.

Check out their website at for information and updates for all that is happening locally and statewide.

For SABS info & club history check out our website at

Please write to us anytime with ideas and/or questions at [email protected] or [email protected]

November Workshop Highlights

“thank you” to our November Raffle Donors

Helen & Jim Barrett, Jerry Banuelos, Y S Farn, Mike Kelly, Dave Miles, Wendy Tsai, Becky Villasenor

SABS appreciates your support !!!!

Next Meeting
Date: Feb 10, 2024
Time: 6pm
Location: Palm Room LA Arboretum

2023-24 Monthly Mtg Dates
Feb 10, 2024—
Annual Mtg & Potluck Dinner
large raffle table
program: Bonsai Bingo

club will provide main dish, bring your favorite appetizer, salad or dessert

Come Join Us in 2024

Upcoming Bonsai Community Events

Jan. 13-14, 2024
Baikoen Winter Silhouettes Show, 60th edition
L.A. County Arboretum, Ayres Hall
10a-4:30p each day
Reception on Saturday at 6pm
Contact [email protected] for additional info

Also check out for local and regional events

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”
Seasons Greetings
from Santa Anita Bonsai Society

SABS Newsletter November 2023

Bonsai Notebook

Nov 2023

Founding President/ Sensei
Jim Barrett

Dave Miles

Next SABS Meeting:
Nov 11, 2023
LA Arboretum– Palm Room

(before general meeting)

We will finally be back at the Arboretum in the Palm Room for the November 11 meeting and will start at our regular time of 7:00pm.
To finish out the year, we are having a “Bring-Your-Own-Tree” Workshop supervised by Robert Hoogeveen.
Everyone who attended the Oct. meeting at Matt Denny’s Ale House learned of Robert’s credentials, experience and talent for styling bonsai trees.
He will be at the November meeting to look at members’ trees and make suggestions on how to move your tree to the next level.

We encourage members to bring a tree to work on and the tools and wire you might need.
As Robert moves from tree to tree, club members will also be available to help you if needed.
Depending on the number of trees brought in, Robert may have time to revisit trees that have been worked on for follow-up.
This will be a great opportunity for advice and learning how to develop your tree and should be enjoyable for all levels of experience with bonsai.
We are all friends in bonsai, so don’t be shy. Bring a tree and join in on the fun.

President’s Corner

The weather has finally started to cool.
It got very hot at the end of October, and I hope all of your trees survived the heat.
We should see Fall colors in our deciduous trees soon.
I have not seen any foliage coloring in our area yet, but it will come.

It is the time of year when we can generally start cutting back on our watering, but be mindful of any heat waves that might blow in.
Warm Santa Ana winds can dry out roots quickly.
Visit your trees daily, check the soil, and you will know when it is time to water.

Now is a good time to clean up around our benches, removing dead leaves and soil debris.
You can remove dead leaves from deciduous trees that have not fallen off.

Insects and fungus can be a problem during the dormant winter months.
There are a lot of good products available to control them.
Read the labels for recommended use with potted plants, and protect the roots from being damaged by chemicals.
When spraying foliage, cover the soil area so the spray doesn’t drip onto the soil.

I hope you enjoy the coming holiday season.


Members Corner

  • Welcome New Members:

Jason & Renee Chan & sons
Phiroze Titina

  • Santa Anita Bonsai Society is one of the oldest clubs in SoCAL– join us any time….
    2023-24 Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships.
    Dues may be paid by cash or check.

If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to support SABS please contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail –in membership form.

  • A special “Thanks” to everyone who attended & purchased food at our Oct Matt Denny Alehouse Meeting.
    It was a very large scrumptious menu.
    Managers Scott and Kerrie & staff were so accommodating to our group.
    Matt Denny’s Ale House might be a great place to stop in for dinner before a meeting

October 2023 Meeting Highlights

Our adventure meeting at Matt Denny’s Ale House was a big hit.
Some members want to meet there regularly, but we will keep it in our toolbox for possible use again when needed.
The food was great with a wide variety available on the menu.
The staff took good care of us, and they also enjoyed keeping an eye on the developing bonsai styled by Robert Hoogeveen.

Robert worked on an olive tree that the club had purchased at Eastern Leaf Nursery during our previous meeting.
He initially talked about the alternating leaf structure and explained that vertical pointing leaves will promote branching also vertical, up or down.
Conversely, horizontal leaves lead to branches growing horizontally, side to side.
By keeping this in mind, you can prune directionally based on where you want branches to go.
Robert also explained the importance of hiding your pruning cuts by cutting just ahead of a front facing horizontal leaf, so the cut isn’t visible from the front.
He took the time to walk around the room and show everyone, close-up what the cut looked like.
He learned this from John Naka, and he shared many memories of his time as a student of John Naka.

Robert explained the reasons for his branch choices and placement as he removed branches that were not needed for the styling he was pursuing.
When finished, the olive had been transformed from a bush to an elegant young bonsai, ready to fill out to its styled potential.

Susan Dao was the lucky raffle winner of Robert’s tree.

Thanks again to Robert for his wonderful presentation.

“Thank You” to our October Raffle Donors

Helen & Jim Barrett
Jerry Banuelos,
Sue Cook
Manuel Dizon
Mike Kelly
Dave Miles
Vic Shelton

The Table was very full, and many members left with new worthwhile bonsai items

SABS appreciates your support !!!!

2023-2024 Monthly Meeting Dates

Nov 11— Location: LA Arboretum
“bring your own tree “ Workshop
hosted by Robert Hoogeven

Dec 2023—- no meeting HAPPY HOLIDAYS

Jan 13, 2024– This meeting has been cancelled all members are encouraged to attend the Baikoen Silhouette Show and Reception the weekend of Jan 13-14 at the Arboretum

Feb 10,2024— Annual Mtg
Potluck Dinner with large raffle table
program: “Bonsai Bingo”
club will provide main dish
bring your favorite appetizer, salad or dessert more details in the holiday newsletter

Refreshment Schedule– Nov 11
“ad lib” refreshments
Appetizers, snacks & dessert

Please bring your own and maybe something to share with our group

Water provided

Upcoming Events

Nov 4-5
California Bonsai Society 66th Annual Exhibit
Huntington Botanical Gardens
1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino,
10a-4p, demos at 1p daily.
Visit for information on the need for reservations

Nov 18
Fresno Bonsai Society Fall Sale and Auction
Clovis Botanical Garden
945 Clovis Ave.

Jan. 13-14, 2024
Baikoen Winter Silhouettes Show, 60th edition
L.A. County Arboretum, Ayres Hall,
watch for further details


Next Meeting

Date: Nov 11, 2023
Time: 7 pm

Location: Palm Room LA Arboretum
301 N Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, CA 91007

Board Meeting at 6p
before general meeting

Everyone Welcome

for questions: [email protected]

Newsletter October 2023

Bonsai Notebook

Visit our website at:
Founding President/Sensei
Jim Barrett

Next SABS Meeting:
Oct 14, 2023
6 pm
Matt Denny’s Ale House
145 E Huntington Dr
Arcadia, CA

Our October 14 meeting location will be a first for us.
When we are blocked from meeting at the Arboretum because of concerts, etc., we try to meet at a location as close to the Arboretum as we can to avoid inconveniencing our members coming from all directions.
So, for October, we will meet in an outside covered patio at Matt Denny’s Ale House in Arcadia
There is ample public parking directly behind the restaurant through an east/west alley and street parking in front.
We will start at 6:00pm and we encourage members to order food if they wish (any purchased liquid refreshment is acceptable at the meeting).

Our guest demonstrator for the meeting will be Robert Hoogeveen, who has attended several of our meetings recently.
Robert joined the Orange County Bonsai Society in 1976 and started taking formal lessons from the four main founders of the club in 1977.
All four of his teachers, Francis Watari, Tets Tsukamoto, Mie Mizusawa and Jim Takeda were students of John Naka.
Formal lessons lasted three years at which time Robert began to do demonstrations for local clubs and at the OCBS shows.
He started working with John Naka when he was old enough to drive and worked under his mentorship at John Naka’s home in L.A. for many years.
Robert continues to enjoy the bonsai art after 47 years and does workshops and demonstrations for clubs and other interested parties.

Robert will be working on an olive tree for our demonstration, and it will then go in the raffle.
Come and join us for another interesting adventure in bonsai.

President’s Corner

I want to take a moment to thank all our members for their patience with the many changes in meeting locations we have experienced.
I hope the different venues have been interesting for all.
We have one more with this month’s meeting at the Ale House, and then we will return to the Arboretum in November for our final meeting of this year.

October will be full of bonsai experiences, so check “Upcoming Events” for the listings.
In particular, the Chino Bonsai Club will host their 3rd Annual Bonsai Exhibit on Oct 7-8 in San Gabriel.
This is always a great show with exceptional trees on display along with the demonstrations, raffles, auctions, reception and vendors. More info is included in our Upcoming Community Events Section.
Another great event will be the GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous Oct. 20-22 in Santa Nella.
The headliner is Bjorn Bjorholm, and there will be workshops, demonstrations, auctions and vendors.
It is a wonderful event for anyone wanting a complete bonsai weekend experience.
Check the website for what is still available.

If you are interested in starting trees from seed, now is a good time to collect seeds in preparation for planting.
There are acorns on the ground or ready to drop from oak trees everywhere, and there are seeds for a variety of trees available on-line.
Good instructions for planting are also available on-line.
An advantage to having a seedling is you can create movement early and grow a bonsai you styled from scratch.
You can have a shohin tree in a short time! ~Dave

Members Corner

  • Santa Anita Bonsai Society is an amazing club– join us any time….
    2023-24 Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for Family memberships.
    Dues may be paid by cash or check.
    If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to support SABS please contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail–in membership form.
  • We’re trying something new– meeting at a restaurant.
    Matt Denny’s Ale House has graciously provided their outside patio for our evening meeting including Robert Hooveveen’s demo and a raffle table.
    Food and beverages will be available from the Ale House menu thru out the evening.
    You do not need to purchase to attend but if you happen to get hungry or thirsty while you are there, your purchases will help support SABS.
  • A special “Thanks” to everyone who shared refreshments at the Sept meeting Wendy, Peter & Marissa, Jaiden & Naomi, Susan &Huong, Lorraine

“thank you” to our Sept Raffle Donors

Steve & Judy Anthony, Jerry Banulos, Helen & Jim Barrett, Jason Chan, Sue Cook,
Manuel Dizon, Y.S. Farn, Mike Kelly, Peter Macasieb, Dave Miles, Bryan Nicholson, Ken Teh

SABS appreciates your support !!!!

September 2023 Meeting Highlights

The September meeting was held at the Eastern Leaf Nursery in Chino and hosted by the owners Jason and Rene Chan.
Many members took advantage of the opportunity to browse through the pre-bonsai tree material available at the nursery and purchase trees and other bonsai related items prior to the meeting.

Jason welcomed club members to his outdoor work area, with weather cooperating and providing a comfortable setting to watch Jason’s demonstration.
He had a nice, bushy San Jose juniper on his worktable for the demo.
He immediately drew members into the design process by asking for input on the best front for the tree.
Many options were suggested, and once agreement was reached, Jason began his styling work.
He continually explained his work as he progressed, so everyone knew what he was doing and why.
Members were asked for their opinions on which branches to save and which ones to remove.
It made for a wonderful learning experience as he worked the tree into a very nice informal upright style.

When the demo was finished, we held our raffle, and we thank Eastern Leaf for the donations they made to the raffle.

Christian Lebano was the lucky winner of Jason’s tree

2023 SABS Monthly Meeting Dates

Oct 14 —
Location: Matt Denny’s Ale House, Arcadia, CA
Demo: Robert Hoogeveen

Nov 11—
Location: LA Arboretum
Demo: TBA

Dec 2023 —

SABS Meeting Refreshment Schedule– Oct 14

Food, appetizers & drinks available for purchase during this meeting
(purchases help support SABS)

Upcoming Community Events

Oct 7-8
Chino Bonsai Club 3rd Annual Bonsai Exhibit
261 S. Junipero Serra Dr., San Gabriel.
Sat. hrs. 9a-5p, Sun., 9a-3:30p
demonstrations, silent and live auctions, and raffle both days

Oct 8
Bonsai Swap Meet
Woodley Park, 6350 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys
email for more info: [email protected]

Oct 20-22
GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous
Hotel Mission De Oro, Santa Nella
209-826-4444 for reservations (rooms going quickly, other motels in town)
go to for info.
additional workshop options were released on Aug 1

Nov 4-5
California Bonsai Society 66th Annual Exhibit
Huntington Botanical Gardens
1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino
10a-4p, demos at 1p daily

Come Join Us
for an evening of Food, Fun
a raffle table
an amazing Demo by Robert Hoogeveen

Date: Oct 14,2023
Time: 6 pm
Location: Matt Denny’s Ale House
145 E. Huntington Dr
Arcadia, CA

Our meetings are open/free of charge to anyone interested in the “Art of Bonsai”
for questions email us at: [email protected] or [email protected]