Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.
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Bonsai Notebook
Happy New Year! The January meeting will be our annual Holiday Potluck dinner. Please bring a salad, fruit dish, or dessert. The club will provide the main dish and beverages. If possible, bring bonsai related items for the raffle table to help make this our biggest raffle of the year. Our club officers will be starting the second year of the latest two year terms. They will continue their dedicated volunteer service in 2016. Throughout the year, I will remind everyone that new officers will be needed in 2017. Think about volunteering your time to serve on our Board and help make important decisions for the club. Now is the time to renew your club membership. We are a not-for-profit organization, and membership dues are important to maintain our treasury to pay for demonstrations, room-use fees, and show expenses. I encourage you to renew at the January meeting. You can also go to the website for membership information, $20/yr. for single, $25/yr. per family. SABS 2015-16 Club Officers & Board Members Meeting Time And Place: January 9, 2016 at 7pm LAC Arboretum/ Palm RoomPresident’s Corner
The new year will be packed with bonsai events. All are invited to Baikoen’s Winter Silhouettes Show this month. February will include the Shohin Seminar in Santa Nella and the Bonsai-A-Thon at the Huntington. Check the newsletter each month for details on all up-coming events in addition to our club news. Before getting too far into 2016, I want to take this opportunity to thank our Board of Directors for a great 2015; Peter Macasieb for arranging our monthly demonstrations and workshops, Judy and Steve Anthony for keeping our finances in order, and Marge Blasingame for handling our secretarial duties, besides everything else she does throughout the year. Thanks to Robert Sencer for maintaining our website and sending out our monthly email newsletter, and Lorraine Miles for editing the newsletter and keeping me on time with the newsletter. Finally, thanks to our members-at-large, Ray Blasingame, past-president Dick Ryerson, and Frank Yee for their input at board meetings. I look forward to working with all of you again in 2016. ~DaveNovember Highlights
The meeting started with a vote on our theme for our annual Memorial Day weekend show. Members selected the bunjin style as our theme. So, get your bunjin entries prepared for May. It’s a fascinating style and will make for an interesting show. The meeting featured a bring-your-own-tree workshop, and Lindsay Shiba was our guest expert. Members brought a wide variety of trees, and we had enough to keep Lindsay busy all evening. He provided excellent advice on how to continue the development of our trees. Watching him evaluate a tree and suggest what to do next was an invaluable lesson for everyone watching. We learned design ideas for each type of tree that we could employ on our own material. Lindsay has taught bonsai classes for many years, and his talent for sharing his expertise made for a terrific evening. I’m making modifications to my olive tree I may not have thought of without his encouragement. Working with Julian’s Juniper Contemplating Dick’s Elm treeMembers Corner
Newsletter Update: Thank you to all of you who replied to Robert’s email request about receiving the newsletter. We are confirming and updating email addresses to improve our blogging and email process. If you haven’t been receiving the newsletter by email and would like to, please contact Dave with your most current address. If you have a favorite demonstrator we haven’t seen for awhile or have an idea for a meeting presentation, share it with Peter. It is always helpful to have new ideas. If you have a knack for writing, a story to tell , a photo or something you would like to share in our newsletter please submit it to Dave and Lorraine prior to the 20th of any month at : [email protected]Thank you to November Raffle Donors
Judy & Steve Anthony, Jerry Banuelos, Emma Janza, Dave Miles Dick RyersonNew Members
Kyle Gunter Bobbie & Barabara JohnsonUpcoming Events
Jan 16-17, 2016 Baikoen Winter Silhouettes Show , Ayres Hall, LAC Arboretum Demonstrations each day, bonsai items on sale, Reception Sat evening 6:30p Feb 5-6, 2016 California Shohin Society Shohin Seminar, Hotel Del Oro, Santa Nella, CA see [email protected] for details Feb 27-28, 2016 Bonsai-A-Thon, Botanical Garden of the Huntington Library, 1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino, fundraiser for the GSBF Collection at the Huntington, 8am-4:30pm both days demonstrations, raffle and auction each day, large vendor areaNext Meeting
Date: January 9, 2016 Time: 7pm Location: LAC Arboretum, Palm Room 301 N. Baldwin Ave Arcadia, Ca 91007 No Board Meeting in January2016 Monthly Meeting Dates
Jan 9 — Holiday Potluck at the LAC Arboretum Feb 13 — Roy Nagatoshi Mar 12 — TBA2016 Refreshment Schedule
Jan – Annual Holiday Potluck Bring your favorite salad, veggies, fruit dish or dessert . The club is providing the main dish and beverages. Feb – Dec Marge will have her clip board so bring your calendars to sign up for our monthly meetingsNewsletter-2016-01
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