Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.
Bonsai Notebook
Join us for the February meeting featuring Roy Nagatoshi. He is a well-known bonsai master, and is an excellent demonstrator. Roy learned the art of bonsai from his father, Shigeru Nagatoshi, and grew up working at his family’s business, Fuji Bonsai Nursery in Sylmar. He owns the nursery and teaches classes there.
Roy will give us a demo on grafting. He likes to use “Kishu” shimpaku , and uses the “approach graft” technique. This is the time of year to give grafting a try. Come and learn how it is done from Roy.
President’s Corner
The club voted to have the bunjin (or literati) style as our theme for this year’s show. I hope everyone will consider entering a tree of this style in the show. It is our show, and whether you have a bunjin tree or not, start getting a tree of your choice ready to display. In an effort to help those interested in bunjin, I did some research on the style. A description of bunjin is elusive and not as well defined as other styles. In his book, “Bonsai Techniques”, John Naka said, “Bunjin is said to have shape or form, but no definite pattern. It is irregular and seems disfigured and struggling for survival. It is abstract and graceful.” Bunjin is said to make use of higher branches and thinner trunk calipers. It is recommended the tree be displayed in a round pot to emphasize the soft, gentle flowing nature of the tree. If you “google” the term bunjin on your computer, you will find lots of pictures that depict the style. If you have questions, bring them to a meeting. We have plenty people who can provide answers. ~DaveJanuary Highlights
Our annual potluck dinner again included a lot of good food, conversation, and a generous raffle. We had a good turnout of members including one of our club founders, Jim Barrett. It was also great to see long-time members Henry and Alice Leal, who now live in Nipomo, CA. They renewed their membership at the meeting; and now is the time for all of us to renew. Many of us also attended Baikoen’s annual Winter Silhouettes show in January. Our club participated in a design competition with San Diego Bonsai Club and Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai. We were represented by Peter Macasieb and Dave Miles. The trees provided for the competition were Leyland Cypresses. Each club came up with different designs including informal upright, windswept, and a raft style. All three trees were auctioned off. San Diego Bonsai Club won the competition when their tree sold for the highest bid, which awarded their club with the bid amount as the prize. Our potluck and the Baikoen show made for an enjoyable January.

Newsletter Update
- If you haven’t been receiving the newsletter by email and would like to, please contact Dave with your most current address.
- If you have a favorite demonstrator we haven’t seen for awhile or have an idea for a meeting presentation, share it with Peter. It is always helpful to have new ideas.
- If you have a knack for writing, a story to tell, a photo or something you would like to share in our newsletter please submit it to Dave and Lorraine prior to the 20th of any month at: [email protected]
Members Corner
A bit of history paraphrased from a club flyer written by J.L. McNey in 1999: The Santa Anita Bonsai Society is one of the oldest bonsai societies in California and probably the country. The first official meeting was in January 1965. It was attended by Helen Magnasun, Thelma Dennison, Melba Tucker, Kay and Khan Komai, Virginia Danaher, Jim Barrett, and Dick and Dixie Shaner. The first annual Spring Exhibit was Memorial Day weekend 1965 at the Los Angeles Arboretum. Look for more next month…Upcoming Events
Feb 5-6, 2016 California Shohin Society Shohin Seminar, Hotel Del Oro, Santa Nella, CA Email [email protected] for details. Feb 27-28, 2016 Bonsai-A-Thon, Botanical Garden of the Huntington Library, 1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino, CA Fundraiser for the GSBF Collection at the Huntington, 8am-4:30pm both days demonstrations, raffle and auction each day, large vendor areaThank you to January Raffle Donors
Judy & Steve Anthony, Jim Barrett, Marge Blasingame, Joyce Gibbs, Joe Gutierrez, Emma Janza, Peter Macasieb, Dave Miles, Lindsay Shiba, Frank YeeCome Join Us
Next Meeting Date: January 13, 2016 Time: 7pm Location: LAC Arboretum, Palm Room 301 N. Baldwin Ave Arcadia, Ca 91007 There will be a Board Meeting at 6p prior to the general meeting2016 Monthly Meeting Dates
Feb 13 — Roy Nagatoshi Mar 12 — David Nguy2016 Refreshment Schedule
Feb — J. Anthony, E. Chacon, D. Miles, P. Macasieb March — M. Blasingame, J. Gutierrez, P. Macasieb———————————