Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.

Santa Anita Bonsai Society May 2020 meeting is cancelled
Santa Anita Bonsai Society Members,
Greetings to all of you during this difficult time. I hope all of you are well and navigating safely through each day of the stay-at-home order. It has been a good time for spending quality time with our trees.
Our May 9 club meeting has been cancelled by the Arboretum in keeping with the L.A. County order to stay at home through May 15. I contacted the Arboretum and asked about our Memorial Day Weekend show dates May 23-25. They would not commit one way or the other until the County gives direction beyond May 15.
I have been in contact with Board members with an idea to have our annual show in one of two ways. If the Arboretum allows us to use Ayres Hall for our show, I will contact members to arrange for show set-up. I would anticipate some restrictions, for instance, maybe no demonstrations.
However, if the show is cancelled, I am proposing a “virtual show”. We would have members post pictures of their show trees to a site to be arranged. Our webmaster, Robert Sencer, has offered to create a “storybook” on-line where member can view all the show trees. Details are being worked out, but would include assisting members with posting pictures if needed.
I am hopeful our members will participate in either option, and that you will plan to prepare your trees for our show. It is important for our club to continue our interaction through our common love of bonsai. I will keep you all informed about the show as I get updates from the Arboretum.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lorraine & I at [email protected] or via our website at
Best wishes to all,