Bonsai Notebook
Our meeting on July 9 will be at the home of Peter and Marissa Macasieb. Concerts at the Arboretum in both July and September conflict with our meeting nights. It has become a tradition that we still hold our meetings, and it is possible because of the graciousness of club members who open their homes to us.
We will be in Peter’s backyard as the summer evening cools, and discuss bonsai, walk through Peter’s collection, enjoy refreshments, and socialize. It will be a great opportunity to ask questions and be inspired by the variety of material Peter has on display.
Join us for a relaxing evening with like-minded bonsai enthusiasts.
President’s Corner
The mild beginning of summer has now turned to the seasonal heat waves we are very familiar with. Watering is obviously very critical to our potted trees, and we have to balance our use of water with whatever restrictions our local jurisdictions have imposed because of the drought. In general, I don’t think our collections take enough water from our resources to risk their survival by cutting back. It is wise, however, to pay attention and not over water in our zeal to overcome the heat. Our trees can handle the heat as long as we don’t let them dry our completely.
In Marty Mann’s book “Bonsai Ideas” he says, “Maintenance includes pinching and plucking of growing tips and cutting back the branches. This will encourage shorter internodes, tighter evergreen formations and develop desirable twiggyness on deciduous on deciduous trees.”
Again, our July meeting will be an opportunity to ask questions about dealing with the heat and summer tree maintenance, and anything else.
June Highlights
Instead of having our regular June meeting, club members were invited to attend the reception at the Descanso Bonsai Society annual show. The show featured many beautiful trees, as always, including those of Descanso members who also belong to our club.
Jim Pelling entered a ficus tree that was awarded 3rd place in the Novice division. David Nguy’s California juniper won for “Best of Advanced”, and one of Peter Macasieb’s shohin displays won “Best Artistic Display”. Ray Blasingame entered a ginkgo tree, and both Marge Blasingame and Emma Janza shohins. June Nguy showed a beautiful p. nana tree, and Jim Barrett displayed his outstanding formal upright foemina juniper. Jim’s old foemina is one of our favorites, so it was great to see it in the show.
June Highlights: A sampling of SABS member trees at the Descanso Show
P. Macasieb
R. Blasingame
E. Janza
J. Barrett
M. Blasingame
Newsletter Update
- Our membership dues are vital to SABS remaining financially viable. The dues for each year are due in January. Past members who have not yet renewed are encouraged to do so at this time. If you joined SABS during Oct-Dec 2015 then your membership is current until Dec 2016.
- The SABS newsletter is one of the “perks” of belonging to our club. When your membership is not renewed by the end of March the membership lapses and you will no longer be illegible to receive this newsletter directly via email and/or US mail. The newsletter will always be available on our website:
Members Corner
Continuing the club history; A swap meet was started at the September 1966 meeting at the Arboretum. Society members and the public were invited to sell, trade, or buy bonsai related items. The following year, 1967, the show was chaired by Warren Hill, who became the curator at the National Bonsai and Penjing Arboretum. The show that year had an attendance estimated at nearly 6000.
More next month…..
Upcoming Events
August 20 – 21
Nanpu Kai 28th Annual Show
10am-5pm both days, at Japanese American Cultural Center, 224 S. San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CA.
Sept. 28 – Oct.2
Kofu Kai Bonsai Annual Exhibit
Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana, CA, 714-567-3600
Oct. 27 – 30
39th Golden State Bonsai Federation Convention
Double Tree by Hilton, 2001 Point West Way, Sacramento, details –
Come Join Us
July Meeting
Date: July 9, 2015
Time: 7pm
Location: in West Covina
At the home of Peter Macasieb
2016 Monthly Meeting Dates
July 9 — Peter Macasieb
Aug 13 — Demo TBA
Sept 10 — at the home of Steve & Judy Anthony
2016 Refreshment Schedule
July —- bring a favorite dish or dessert to the Macasieb’s home
Aug —- J. Gibbs, P. Macasieb, D. Miles, A. Sigimura