November Meeting Update

Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.

Santa Anita Bonsai Society November 2020 meeting is cancelled

Santa Anita Bonsai Society Members,

The fall season is upon us.  We have been having some warm weather, but forecasts are showing cooler weather soon.  My trees are trying to figure it out.  Some have dropped leaves while others are still holding onto leaves.  It is interesting to watch the variations.

The Arboretum is still closed for use of its classrooms, so there will be no meeting in November.  As long as the virus case numbers fail to meet County standards for opening, it appears nothing will change soon.

Searching “bonsai” brings up a lot information to pick through and explore. There is a great deal of bonsai activity online for those interested in exploring.  Tom Lau has done a series of videos for Baikoen, visiting bonsai collections and nurseries.  The YouTube link for the videos is

The California Bonsai Society also has a YouTube page you can view for interviews with visiting artists at

For those of you interested in traveling: The 12th Annual Fresno Bonsai Society Bonsai Yard Sale is Saturday Nov 14th 2020  at the Clovis Botanical Garden, Clovis, CA. 9am- 1pm.  All things Bonsai to buy, sell or swap.  For more info contact Mike Saul at 

The committee planning the Bonsai-A-Thon is working with the Huntington to settle on dates and parameters for the event; possibly in February 2021, details when available.

CBS is planning their annual show for Mar 19-21, 2021 at the Huntington.  I will share details as they come in.

I am hopeful we will also have a show in 2021.  Plan for our usual Memorial Day weekend show at the Arboretum, and we will work out the details with the Arboretum.  I look forward to the Arboretum providing guidelines for a safe show.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lorraine & I at [email protected] or via our website at  

Continue to stay safe and stay well.  I look forward to hopefully seeing you soon.

