Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.
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Bonsai Notebook
Jim Barrett will be our presenter at the March 8th meeting. Involved in bonsai for more than 50 years, Jim has participated in the growth and development of the bonsai art throughout Southern California and around the country.
He was driving by the San Gabriel Nursery in 1954 and noticed their bonsai display out front. He stopped to look at the trees and while there purchased his first trees; two Japanese blackpine and two prostrata junipers. He soon developed a relationship with Khan Komai and became a bonsai teacher, and continues teaching today.

President’s Corner…..
It has been a very dry winter for us this year, with warmer weather in February than we are used to having. If your trees are reacting like mine, you are seeing new buds popping all over on deciduous trees and new growth on the conifers. At Baikoen’s Winter Silhouettes show you could see buds popping on many of the trees. Our Spring has sprung! You should have your favorite soil mixes ready for repotting, or initial potting from nursery cans into pots. The Baikoen Show and Bonsai-A-Thon were good sources of soil supplies. Check our website, for a resource list or visit your local nurseries and bonsai nurseries. It is usual to start with evergreens and conifers and work on the deciduous trees when the new buds are swelling. I think it’s safe to say, with buds already leafing, we can be potting now, if you haven’t started yet. A special “thank you to May McNey for her recent donation to the club. We appreciate her support and long association with SABS. ~Dave MilesFebruary Meeting Highlights
Al Nelson displayed his usual excellence for us in February with a beautiful saikei. He narrated the steps for constructing the saikei as his helpers worked through the process. Starting with a slab rock, they positioned tufa rocks. The rocks were glued to the slab with polyurethane adhesive, the highest rock near the center, and the others tapering in height the further they were from the high point. Al left an open area in the center of the slab from back to front. He called this the “no plant zone”, to later represent water. Three procumbens nana trees, grown from cuttings by Al, were used in the composition. Al used “muck” to build a planting area near the rocks and positioned the trees with the tallest near the center. The shorter trees were placed adjacent, forming a triangular silhouette. The final step involved covering the muck with moss and filling in the low center area with small river stones. The finished saikei resembled a mountain forest next to a stream.

What’s New
You have probably noticed postage costs have gone up again. If you have a good working relationship with your computer, please request your newsletter be sent to your email. You can also see the newsletter on the website. The club will continue to mail the newsletter to those who prefer the regular mail. If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter electronically please send your email contact information to Dave Miles at: [email protected] or register on our website by clicking on the “Mailing List” link. (Your email information will be kept confidential for newsletter purposes only and will not be shared.) The Bonsai Notebook Newsletter will also be posted on the new SABS website. Check out the new SABS website at: www.sabonsai.orgUpcoming Events
California Bonsai Society Show March 29 & 30, 2014 Huntington Library and Botanical Garden 1151 Oxford Road, San Marino, CANew Members
E.K WallerNext Meeting
Date: March 8, 2014 Time: 7pm Location: LAC Arboretum, Palm Room 301 N. Baldwin Ave Arcadia, Ca 910072014 Monthly Program
March 8th, 2014: Jim Barrett April 12th, 2014: John Nielson May 10th, 2014: Roy Nagatoshi (bring your own show tree workshop)2014 Refreshment Schedule
March: B & L Hutchinson, Y.S. Farn, D. Ryerson, J. Anthony, D. Miles April: P. Macasieb, M. Jonas, E. Janza, M. Atkison [wpdm_file id=10]———————————