Newsletter – August 2022

Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.

Santa Anita Bonsai Society

Meeting Time and Place Aug 13, 2022 at 7pm
Longo Toyota Meeting Room
3534 Peck Road, El Monte, CA 91731

6pm Board Meeting prior to the General meeting
all members are welcome to attend

Bonsai Notebook

Jason Chan will be our guest demonstrator. He has been with us before, and we look forward to another great presentation. His experience with bonsai spans 18 years. He is a past member of the GSBF board and a past editor of Golden Statements magazine.

Jason and his wife, Renee founded Eastern Leaf in 2004 for bonsai enthusiasts of all levels. They are located in Chino and offer bonsai trees, tools and supplies. Jason supports the local bonsai community with workshops at his nursery and by presenting demonstrations regularly throughout Southern California. See his website at

President’s Corner

We will be unable to meet at the Arboretum from September 2022 to June 2023 due to construction on the entrance area, including the classrooms. The Arboretum may provide use of Ayres Hall for evening meetings, but no decision has been made. As a result of the construction, it will not be possible to have our Memorial Day Weekend Show at the Arboretum in 2023. We will try to have the Show at the conclusion of the construction or at an alternate site.

Longo Toyota is available to us for meetings at no cost, but we will be looking for alternate sites. If anyone knows of a venue close to the Arboretum, please let me know. We want to keep our meetings convenient for those use to traveling to the Arboretum.

Our club has been in existence since 1961, and I will do everything I can to ensure we continue our regular meetings. We all love the art of bonsai, and our club tradition will endure whatever ups and downs that come along…

Anytime you have any questions please contact Dave & Lorraine at [email protected] ~Dave

Members Corner

Welcome New Members:
Rocio & Mark Brenes
Edward, Albert & Alberto Rangel

  • Many changes are happening for SABS. Our locations are going to be creative for the next year. Meeting location and demonstration updates will be posted on our website at
  • It is time to refill many of our board positions. Post covid, there are multiple vacancies and we could truly use your help and ideas. We are an entirely volunteer board and try to divide up responsibilities and keep the new ideas flowing.
  • If you are interested in helping please contact Dave & Lorraine at [email protected], call Dave at 909 519 5391 and/ or attend to our Aug 13 Board Meeting to find out more about the following positions:

– Vice President: assist with finding meeting locations

– Secretary: record minutes at board mtgs

– Hospitality Chairperson and committee of 2-3: manage our monthly meeting refreshment table

– Members at large: varying assignments including badges, raffle table assistant, photographer and more

  • For those of you still receiving the US mail version of this newsletter, better quality photos, club updates and resources are always available on our website.

Directions to Longo Toyota meeting:
Peck Rd. exit off the I.S.10 fwy just west of the 605 fwy.
The meeting room is downstairs just inside the doorway below the round Auto Club sign on the Longo building.
There is a ramp available if necessary to bypass the stairs.

Thank You To our July Raffle Table Donors

Steve & Judy Anthony, Jim & Helen Barrett, Jerry Banuelo, Sue Cook, Y.S. Farn, Gabriel Gonzalez, Peter Macasieb, Dave Miles, Richard Ryerson, Vic Shelton, Wendy Tsai, Frank Yee

And to all who so generously purchase tickets

July 2022 Meeting Highlights

Our annual road trip to see Peter Macasieb and his collection was a big success. It appeared to be the largest turnout for a meeting this year. We all enjoyed the opportunity to see Peter’s wonderful collection and marvel at his talents for designing bonsai. Thanks to Peter and Marissa for having us at their home and providing ample space for all of us.

Peter started by talking about the development of bonsai trees. He took several of his trees off their benches nearby and told us how each was started and brought to the level of a show tree.

Peter’s demonstration tree was an Itoigawa Shimpaku. He explained his vision for the tree’s design and went to work. He talked about each branch and where it fit in the design and wired every branch into position.

During the break, everyone had a chance to see Peter’s work up close. The completed tree was a beautiful example of his artistry.

Anthony Aguirre was the lucky raffle winner of the tree, and we hope to see it again at a future show.

We had an abundant array of bonsai items on our raffle table, and the ticket sales were a great benefit to the club’s operation. Thanks to all who participated.

Upcoming Events

Aug 20-21
John Naka Memorial Bonsai Exhibit (formerly Nanpu Kai)
George J. Doizaki Gallery, 244 S. San Pedro St., Los Angeles, 10a-5p

Oct 1-2
Chino Bonsai Club 2nd Annual Bonsai Exhibit
261 S Junipero Sierra Dr. San Gabriel, CA
9-5pm daily- demos, raffle, auction, vendor & club Sales
Sat 5:30-Dinner reception

Oct 8-9
2022 GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous
Hotel de Oro, Santa Nella, CA.
Check the GSBF website for details

Come Join Us- visitors always welcomed

Next Meeting:
Date: August 13, 2022
Time: 7 pm

Longo Toyota Meeting Room
3534 Peck Rd.
El Monte, CA 91731

2022 Upcoming Monthly Meeting Dates

Aug 13– Jason Chan
Location: Longo Toyota, El Monte

Sept 10– David & June Nguy
Location: Chino, CA

Oct 8– TBA

Refreshment Schedule

Drinks: bring your own

Aug 13 — Wendy Tsai, Judy Anthony, Manuel Dizon

Sept 10 — Appetizers, Snacks & Desserts
Snacks: Peter Macasieb, Steve Riley, Vic Shelton
