Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.
Bonsai Notebook
John Nielson will be our guest demonstrator at the April meeting. John has been with us before and always has valuable techniques and information to share. He is a licensed arborist and has over 30 years of experience with bonsai. John is certified in pest management, irrigation systems, and tree injection. Don’t hesitate to ask questions about these topics.
John has studied with Harry Hirao, Mel Ikeda and Tak Shimazu. He is a member of Kofu Bonsai Kai and California Bonsai Society. Whatever John has planned for us in April will be worth seeing. He is obviously a great resource regarding anything bonsai related, so come and enjoy the evening.

President’s Corner
Our Annual show is fast approaching. The theme is Bunjin style. As always, I encourage our members to enter at least one of their trees, whether a theme tree or not. This is our show, and it would be great to see everyone participate and share something from their collection. We need volunteers to help set up the show on Friday, May 27 and to take it down Monday, May 30. We will also need members to sign up as docents to keep an eye on the trees as Arboretum visitors pass through the exhibit. We usually have a lot of questions from visitors, so you will have a chance to share information about the art of bonsai with interested observers. A list will be circulated at the next two meetings to help with all of the above. Based on historical information cited in the last newsletter, this will be our 52nd annual show. What a great legacy we have to carry on. ~Dave MilesMarch Highlights
Everyone in attendance enjoyed the March meeting. You can tell by the raffle participation. Members learned a lot about the styling and care of California junipers from our guest, David Nguy. The California juniper David brought for his demonstration had a unique history involving a member of our club. Peter Macasieb collected the tree on a dig with Harry Hirao six years ago. Later, Peter gave the tree to David Nguy for use as a demonstration tree in exchange for bonsai supplies from David and June’s business. David involved the audience from the start by asking for input on deciding what side of the tree to use as a front. It was also agreed a large branch would be used as a jin and its foliage cleaned off. David identified the live vein for the foliage he would be styling. He talked about the importance of being careful when working on the tree’s roots so roots going to the live vein were not cut. He proceeded to work on jinning the large branch referred to earlier. He explained how to use cutting tools to create the appearance of curves and movement in a straight section of jin. Power tools are a good choice for cutting a curved shape quickly in the dead wood. David said not to pinch the tips of young foliage because it would impact the growth energy flowing through the foliage. He said trimming the old foliage on the inside of branches would make the tree healthier and focus the tree’s energy on new growth. David demonstrated wiring technique by wiring two branches with one wire. He wired a cut-off branch and passed it around so members could see the wiring up close. As expected, David’s talents produced a beautifully styled California juniper everyone wanted to take home. The demo tree history came full circle when it was won in the raffle by Peter Macasieb – I think it was fate. David honored our club further by donating his demonstration compensation back to the club. Thank you, David, for sharing your talent and generosity with us.

Members Corner
The first Santa Anita Bonsai Society show in 1964 featured trees that were a bit young (there weren’t many “big” trees around yet). There were four or five trees on each table compared to the usual one tree per table today. Some of the trees had stands and some did not. The show featured 15 classes of trees in the judging. The classes judged were based on individual styles such as moyogi (informal upright), formal upright, cascade and other recognized styles. By the second show in 1965, there were over 100 trees displayed. …excerpted from “The First Years” article by J. L. McNey Look for more next month…Upcoming Events
April 23-24 San Diego Bonsai Club Exhibition, Casa Del Prado Rm 101, Balboa Park, San Diego 10a-5p each day. Demo at 11a and 1p May28, 29, 30 52nd Annual Santa Anita Bonsai Society show, L.A. County Arboretum, 9a-4p each day. Demonstrations 1p, bonsai trees and supplies on sale June 11-12 46th Annual Descanso Bonsai Society show, Descanso Gardens, trees,pots and related bonsai items on sale, reception Saturday night, 6p-7p, raffle 8p.Come Join Us
Next Meeting Date: April 9, 2016 Time: 7pm Location: LAC Arboretum, Palm Room 301 N. Baldwin Ave Arcadia, Ca 91007 There will be a Board Meeting at 6p prior to the general meeting2016 Monthly Meeting Dates
April 9 — John Nielson May 14 — Frank Goya2016 Refreshment Schedule
April — J. Anthony, W & O Chin P. Macasieb, D. Miles May — G. Gonzalez, E. Janza, J. Rodriguez, W. Tsai———————————