Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.

I want to just take a quick moment to say thank you to all of our members for all the work that is done throughout the year to keep Santa Anita Bonsai Society running.  Thank you for you time, energy and love that is put into each meeting and event.  We are a volunteer organization dedicated to the expression and learning of the Art of Bonsai, but every little bit of help that is given is what makes this group special.  From the immense amount of work it takes to coordinate our yearly show, to the scheduling of new fun and informative guest speakers, the over seeing of our monthly raffle, to the supplying of drinks and snacks, and everything in between;  most importantly to all of your attendance to our meetings and events.  Thank you. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and joyous holiday season.  May you, your families, friends and of course, your trees have a prosperous and happy new year.  We look forward to seeing you all for another great year of exciting meetings, learning and appreciation of this wonderful and very special art. The photo below was taken from Bonsai Odyssey’s Facebook page.  I thought it would help bring you some holiday cheer.  Happy Holidays! Japanese Larch – Genuine baubles. December 2017 – Group planting, Trees and pic by Andy Baker.  Barrowed from Bonsai Odyssey.  
