Bonsai Notebook
We have an exciting program planned for the Sept.9 meeting. It begins with another summer road trip and potluck dinner. This time at the home of David and June Nguy in Chino, where we will have the opportunity to see David and June’s magnificent bonsai collection; address and directions later in the newsletter.
The program will then turn to our demonstrator, Ted Matson, to round out our bonsai adventure. Ted is another of our local artists and is known throughout the bonsai community for his attention and mastery of structural details in bonsai design.
Ted began studying bonsai in San Francisco in 1979. He moved to the Los Angeles area in 1980, and over time, studied with Ben Suzuki, Shig and Roy Nagatoshi, Melba Tucker, Warren Hill, and John Naka. Ted started teaching bonsai classes at his home in the late 1980’s. In 2008 he began working at bonsai full time.
Ted is a member of Descanso Bonsai Society, California Shohin Society, California Bonsai Society, and Nampu Kai. He oversees both the GSBF and Huntington bonsai collections at the Huntington, including more than 400 trees. There are approximately 70 trees on display at a time. He has chaired both the GSBF Convention and the California Shohin Society Seminars and has done workshops and demonstrations across the U.S.
This will be a very special meeting to end the summer. Please be sure to bring along bonsai related items for our raffle table .
Refreshments will consist of a potluck meal. The main dishes and beverages will be provided by the club . We ask that members bring a side dish, salad, or dessert. We are looking forward to a fun summer evening. Don’t miss the adventure…… hope to see you there!
Don’t miss the adventure.
Meeting Time And Place:
Sept 9 at 6pm
at the Home of David & June Nguy
President’s Corner
As we move into September, the strong summer growth patterns of most of our trees will begin to slow down. We’ve been working hard to keep our trees in the shapes we intended. We can now start cutting back on pruning and start to enjoy the changes in color in our deciduous trees. It’s a good time to cut back on nitrogen-based fertilizers and turn to more potash and phosphorus. This will help trees through the coming winter. You can gather tree seeds to store through the winter for spring planting. I like collecting acorns for new oak trees. I put my acorns in a glass of water and throw away the ones that float. Then I wrap them in a paper towel put them in a plastic baggy and refrigerate them until the spring. I don’t think we ever get over the joy of seeing new trees when they first pop up through the soil.
Enjoy the fall changes and spend relaxing time with your trees as often as you can.
Member Update
Directions to Sept meeting at 6pm at the Nguy residence can be found by clicking here.
Please note the September 9 meeting time change to 6pm to allow for maximum lighting during the evening
August Highlights
Cesareo Perez was our demonstrator for August and designed a three-tree planting using leucaena leucocephala as his material. The tree is also known as Mexican miracle tree and white lead tree. Cesareo said the “miracle” name comes from its use in reforestation because leucocephala grows quickly. The leaves of the tree close up at night, so we did not see the leaves fully open during the demo. Cesareo told us the species back-buds freely and can be directionally pruned with its alternating buds.
Leucocephala is a tropical tree and doesn’t do well when temperatures drop below 40 degrees. Cesareo has not lost any of this material during our occasional cold periods.
It was an interesting tree material to see, most of us for the first time, and Cesareo completed a very nice multi-tree planting. “Thank you” to Cesareo for donating the demo planting and an additional single leucocephala tree to our raffle.
Mike Kelly was the lucky raffle winner for the demo trees
Newsletter Update
If you have a knack for writing, a story to tell, a photo or something you would like to share in our newsletter please submit it to Dave & Lorraine prior to the 20th of any month at : [email protected]
Upcoming Events
August 29 – Sept. 3
Kofu Bonsai Kai Annual Show
at the Bowers Museum
2002 N, Main St., Santa Ana
October 7-8
Conejo Valley Bonsai Society 14th Annual Bonsai Exhibition
at the Resource Center
Gardens of the World, 2001 Thousand Oaks Blvd., Thousand Oaks
Hours 9:00am-4:00pm both days, demonstrations at 2:00pm
October 25-29
GSBF Convention
Riverside, CA
workshops demonstrations, raffles, large sales area, exhibition, the big event of the year
see website for details and registration
Come Join Us
Next Meeting
Date: Sept 9, 2017
Time: 6 pm
At home of David & June Nguy
No Board Meeting Sept
2017 Monthly Meeting Dates
Sept 9 — Ted Matson
Oct 14 — Jim Barrett
Nov 11 — Kathy Benson
2017 Refreshment Schedule
Sept — Potluck Meeting at David & June Nguy’s. Please bring a favorite dish
Oct — Linda Gonzalez, Judy Anthony, Peter Macasieb, Allan Sugimura
Nov — Linda Gonzalez, Peter Macasieb, Frank Yee, Tom Lau