Bonsai Notebook
Happy New Year to everyone! Our January meeting is scheduled for the 14th and will be our annual Holiday Potluck dinner. As in the past, please bring a salad, fruit dish or dessert. The club will provide the main dish and beverages. We would like to have our biggest raffle of the year, so if possible, bring bonsai related items for the raffle table.
We will have a brief business meeting before eating that will include the swearing in of our officers by past president and co-founder Jim Barrett. We have one new officer starting this year. Gabriel Gonzalez has taken over as the program chairman and has already been hard at work lining up demonstrators for the new year.
Peter Macasieb did a stellar job arranging our programs for the last four years. His time and effort was greatly appreciated, and he will still be a member-at-large on the Board.
It is time again for membership renewals. Remember, we are a non-profit organization, so membership dues are important and essential in maintaining our ability to pay for demonstrations, room-use fees, and show expenses to name a few. You can renew at the January meeting or go to the website, for mail-in information; $20/yr for a single membership, $25/yr per family.
Meeting Time And Place:
January 14 at 7pm
LAC Arboretum/ Palm Room
President’s Corner
We already have great demonstrations scheduled for the new year. The annual Baikoen Winter Silhouettes show is coming this month, and the Bonsai-A-Thon will follow in February. Details are in “Upcoming Events”.
As president, I want to thank our officers and Board of Directors for all they have done in the past year. These volunteers include Peter Macasieb as program chairman, Judy and Steve Anthony as our treasurers, Marge Blasingame as our treasurer, refreshment chairman and show chairman (definitely an area where we could use more volunteers!), Robert Sencer as our webmaster, Lorraine Miles as newsletter editor, Ray Blasingame as raffle chairman, and Dick Ryerson and Frank Yee as members-at–large. Thank you all for your time and dedication to the Santa Anita Bonsai Society.
~Dave Miles
November Meeting Highlights
Bob Pressler shared his bonsai artistry with us in November. He worked on a San Jose juniper and did a restyling. He took an existing windswept style tree, propped the pot in a vertical position, and shaped the tree into what would be an informal upright style when repotted. It was a good lesson in remembering that no matter what style we may have used to shape one of our trees, it can be changed. As trees grow and develop, take the time to look at them and imagine other styles that might emerge.
Newsletter Update
If you haven’t been receiving the newsletter by email and would like to, please contact Dave with your most current address.
- If you have a knack for writing, a story to tell, a photo or something you would like to share in our newsletter please submit it to Dave and Lorraine prior to the 20th of any month at : [email protected]
- The SABS Newsletter is one of the “perks of belonging to our club. When your membership is not renewed annually by the end of March the membership lapses and you are no longer eligible to receive this newsletter directly via email and/or US Mail. The newsletter will always be available on our website
Thank You to November Meeting Raffle Donors:
Judy Anthony, Jerry Banuelos, Marge Blasingame, Emma Janza, Bob Pressler, Dick Ryerson, Robert Sencer, Wendy Tsai
Members Corner
Summary of SABS history by Jerry McNey; Interest in the art of bonsai continued to grow from 1971 into 1972. In March of 1972 members of Santa Anita Bonsai Society displayed trees at the Asian Museum of Pacificulture Center (now Pacific Asia Museum) in Pasadena. The club was growing consistently with many of the new members coming from classes taught by Jim Barrett and Melba Tucker.
Look for more next month…
Upcoming Events
Jan 21-22
Baikoen Bonsai Kenkyukai annual “Winter Silhouettes” show,
Ayres Hall at the Arboretum, 10am-4:30pm,
demos at 1:00pm both days
benefit dinner and raffle Saturday night
February 25-26
Bonsai-A-Thon XXI
at the Huntington Library Botanical Garden, San Marino. This is the annual fundraiser for the GSBF collection at the Huntington, 8am-4:30pm each day, pancake breakfast, demonstrations, exhibit, sales area, raffle and auction, more info at
Come Join Us
Next Meeting
Date: January 14, 2017
Time: 7pm
LAC Arboretum, Palm Room
301 N. Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, Ca 91007
Jan Meeting:
Swearing in of New Board
Annual SABS Potluck & Raffle
2017 Monthly Meeting Dates
Jan 14 — Annual SABS Potluck & Raffle
Feb 11 — Al Nelson
Mar 11 — Tak Simazu
2017 Refreshment Schedule
Jan – Annual Holiday Potluck
Bring your favorite salad, veggies, fruit dish or dessert. The club is providing the main dish and beverages.
Feb – Dec Marge will have her clip board so bring your calendars to sign up for our monthly meetings.