onsai Notebook
Our August 8 meeting will feature Tuan “Tom” Vuong as our presenter. This will be his first demonstration for our club. Tuan is president of the Vietnamese Bonsai Society in Orange County. In addition to his work with this club, he teaches bonsai classes.
Tuan has been active as a bonsai artist for twenty years. His favorite plant material for bonsai is black pine, but he also enjoys working with junipers, including the grafting of shimpaku onto other juniper stock. He will work on a prostrate juniper at our meeting. Come and join us.
Meeting Time And Place:
Aug 8, 2015 at 7pm
LAC Arboretum/ Palm Room
President’s Corner
As I write this, news is spreading of the passing of Harry Hirao at 98 years of age. Harry has meant so much to the bonsai world, particularly in southern California. He has touched us all with his talent and tremendous energy throughout his wonderful, long life.
I will always remember my first California juniper dig with Harry in October of 2009. He was a mere 93 years old at the time and walked up and down the hills with the agility of a much younger man. Everyone that knew him has many fond memories, including the knowledge and advice that he so freely shared with us.
In honor of Harry I’m going to do some trimming on my California junipers, and remember his dedication to making these junipers so famous throughout the world. He was known as “Mr. California Juniper”, and we will miss his presence in our bonsai world.
Services for Harry will be Aug 4 at 4pm at:
The Orange County Buddist Church
909 S. Dale Ave.
Anaheim, CA 92804
July Highlights
We had a big group at the July meeting at Peter and Marissa Macasieb’s home. Those who hadn’t been there before were amazed at the size and beauty of Peter’s collection. Those of us who had been there before were surprised at the increase in size of the collection, especially the shohin.
Peter moved from group to group answering questions and describing his work on different areas of his collection. Then he talked to us as a whole about grafting and showed several examples of shohin trees with single or multiple grafts. He described getting older juniper stock with large trunks at nurseries and grafting shimpaku foliage to develop a future shohin-size tree.
There was a lot of great food to go around. It proved to be a very enjoyable, relaxing evening and as an added bonus we had two new member families join. We also had the opportunity to meet Tuan Vuong, who was there as a guest and will be our August presenter.
Special thanks to Peter and Marissa for having us at their home and being such gracious hosts.
What’s New
- The SABS redesigned website and email newsletter is now 1 year old. For those of you who have not yet checked out the website please take a look at: www.sabonsai.org.
- If you are not yet on the newsletter email list contact Dave now with your current email address or on the website and start receiving it before the September meeting.
- If you have a favorite demonstrator we haven’t seen for awhile or have an idea for a meeting presentation, share it with Peter. It is always helpful to inject fresh ideas.
Upcoming Events
August 15-16
Nampu Kai Annual Bonsai Exhibit
at the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center
244 S. San Pedro St.
Los Angeles, California
10am to 4pm both days
September 22-27
Kofu Bonsai Kai Annual Exhibit
at the Bowers Museum
2002 N. Main St.
Santa Ana, California
October 29 – November 1
GSBF Annual Convention
Riverside Convention Center
additional information at www.gsbfconvention.org
Come Join Us
Next Meeting
Date: Aug 8, 2015
Time: 7pm
Location: The LAC Arboretum
There will be a Board Meeting at 6:00pm prior to the general meeting
2015 Monthly Meeting Dates
Aug 8 – Tuan Vuong
Sept 12 – At the home of Steve & Judy Anthony. Demo to be announced.
2015 Refreshment Schedule
Aug – J Anthony, G Gonzalez, P Macasieb, D Miles
Sept – To be announced