Bonsai Notebook
Bob Pressler returns as our demonstrator in May. He is the owner of Kimura Bonsai Nursery in Los Angeles, a great nursery to visit and shop for bonsai. He is a member of California Bonsai Society and Nampukai. Bob studied with Frank Okamura in the 1970’s, and he has worked with John Naka and Ben Oki. In 2000 he met Kenji Miyata and has studied with him. He teaches classes at his nursery and does demonstrations and workshops.
Bob’s great personality will make for a very enjoyable evening. Come and join us.
Meeting Time And Place: May 9, 2015 at 7pm LAC Arboretum/ Palm Room
President’s Corner
We received a very nice “thank you” card from the Komai family for our club donation to the bench honoring Khan and Kay at the Huntington. It’s worth the trip to the Huntington to see the bench in the bonsai pavilion.
May is a big month for our club with our annual show over Memorial Day weekend, May 23, 24, and 25. As with every show, we need help with set-up on Friday, May 22 at 1:00 pm at Ayres Hall. We’ve got the set-up process down to a science, so with member help, we can do it very quickly.
We also need help during show hours each day, answering guest questions and keeping a protective eye on the trees. Marge Blasingame will have a sign-up sheet at the May meeting with time blocks needing coverage.
As you know, our show theme style is saikei. Saikei displays are beautiful and will be very popular with Arboretum quests. I hope you have tried this style and will share it with us at the show. If you don’t have a saikei, please consider entering one of your trees. All trees are welcome, and I encourage our members to participate. A copy of the entry form is also included with this newsletter and available on the website. Please return to Marge Blasingame no later than May 15.
Due to a concert scheduled at the Arboretum on July 11, we will be meeting at Peter Macasieb’s home for our July meeting. Peter lives in West Covina and directions to his home will be in the June newsletter.
Please click the link below to download the Show Form
SABS Show Form 2015-05
We will be back at the Arboretum for the August meeting.
~Dave Miles
April Meeting Highlights
Ryan Nichols entertained us with an informative presentation in April. He started by talking about what to look for in raw material to make a good choice for bonsai. He identified five things to look for: 1.) the base, roots or nebari; 2.) the trunk, taper and movement; 3.) special features – deadwood, bark; 4.) first branch; and 5.) remaining foliage.
Ryan brought two trees for the demo, a procumbens nana and a Rocky Mountain juniper. We chose the Rocky Mountain juniper with its straight trunk for the demo. The trunk had good taper and deadwood. As a collected tree, the roots were buried, so root placement was unknown. There was a good first branch, and plenty of additional foliage. A front was chosen and work began.
Ryan talked about building the tree from the bottom up. He said branch selection depended on being able to visualize the future tree. Until that vision is developed with experience, Ryan suggested that you not remove branches until some styling is done, and the shape of the tree emerges. He said the strength in a juniper comes from its foliage, so try not to remove too much foliage in the initial styling.
When asked about fertilizer, Ryan said he prefers organic brands. They have synergistic effects on trees providing protection from disease, in addition to the basic nutrients. He uses chemical fertilizers for foliar feeding.
Peter Macasieb was the lucky raffle winner of Ryan’s demo tree.
Finished tree courtesy of Ryan Nichols
Photos: Dave Miles
What’s New
- Next time you visit the Huntington Library, visit the Bonsai Pavillion to see the new bench dedicated to Khan & Kay Komai. It was donated by SABS, Baikoen & CBS.
- New badges are available for all who renew their SABS membership for 2015. Contact Dave to have yours made.
Upcoming Events
May 23-25
Santa Anita Bonsai Society Annual Show at the LA County Arboretum
9a-4p daily. Demos each day at 1pm , No Reception this year. Bonsai trees, pots and accessories on sale.
June 13-14
Descanso Bonsai Society 46th Annual Exhibit, 9 am to 4 pm and demonstrations at 11 am and 1:30 pm each day, in Van De Kamp Hall, Descanso Gardens, 1418 Descanso Drive, La Canada Flintridge. Reception on Sat. 6 pm to 7 pm with raffle at 8 pm. Bonsai trees, pots and accessories on sale. Events free with garden admission.
Thank you to April Raffle Donors
Judy & Steve Anthony, Jerry Banuelos, Y.S. Farn, Tom Freeman, Bill & Lois Hutchinson, Emma Janza, Peter Macasieb, Dave Miles, Frank Yee
New Members
Mike Bullington
Omar Rodriquez
Next Meeting
Date: May 9, 2015
Time: 7pm
LAC Arboretum, Palm Room
301 N. Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, Ca 91007
No Board Meeting in May
2015 Monthly Meeting Dates
May 9 — Bob Pressler
June 13 — no meeting: please attend the Descanso Bonsai Society Reception
July 11 — at the home of Peter Macasieb (details in June newsletter)
2015 Refreshment Schedule
May: M Atkison, Y.S. Farn, E Janza, D Ryerson