Bonsai Notebook
The August meeting will feature one of our local favorites, Ted Matson. Ted got started in bonsai in the 1970’s in the S.F. Bay area and moved to Southern California in 1980. He joined several clubs and started a serious pursuit of the bonsai art. Ted has studied with Ben Suzuki, Shig and Roy Nagatoshi, Melba Tucker, Warren Hill, and John Naka.
Ted has taught classes at his Pasadena home for many years and has a busy teaching schedule at clubs and workshops across the U.S. He is a member and past president of many So. Calif. Clubs. He is a past editor of Golden Statements magazine and has been involved with the Golden State Bonsai Federation in many capacities. Ted is currently working at the Huntington, preserving and caring for the GSBF collection. He will be presenting a seminar and workshop at this year’s state convention in October.
Ted has an excellent eye for selecting bonsai material, and will share his talent with us to improve our ability to recognize the potential in bonsai stock.
Meeting Time And Place: August 9, 2014 at 7pm LAC Arboretum/Palm Room
President’s Corner
During the hot summer months we need to be ever vigilant with the care of our trees. The hottest part of the day is after the sun is past mid day. This is when sun damage and critical drying can take place. Are your trees shaded from the late afternoon sun? Having trees protected by shade cloth, a fence, or the east side of your house will provide the protective shade our trees need. You can also mist with water or spray with Cloud Cover, available at most nurseries, to protect leaves from drying out. Spend a little time looking at your trees each day to assess their general health and don’t be afraid to ask questions at our meetings. Ted Matson is a great resource for any bonai related questions. He has helped me a lot.
~Dave Miles
July Highlights
Frank Goya demonstrated the development of a saikai for us in July. He was assisted by Jaime Chavarria and used procumbens nan trees, selected rocks, soil and accents to create a beautiful landscape. The shallow suiban pot Frank used can dry out quickly, so he used a heavy sandy loam soil to hold moisture in longer. He utilized “muck”, which he described as sticky clay soil, to hold the trees in place in the soil base. Frank placed moss on the muck and soil to also hold in moisture.
Frank positioned his rocks first using the largest rock on one side of the pot and smaller rocks alternating from the front of the pot to the back in a random pattern to create depth. He planted the tallest p. nana near the first rock. The other trees were planted near the other rocks continuing the sense of depth and dimension.
He finished the saikai with a trail of sand winding through the scene to represent water. Small accent plants were also added, again creating dimension. The result was a beautiful example of Frank’s talent with saikai. Everyone watching was amazed at how at how quickly Frank created such a wonderful, completed landscape.
Frank Yee was the lucky winner of the saikai, leaving a room full of jealous members.
What’s New
If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter electronically please send your email contact information to Dave Miles at: [email protected] or register on our website by clicking on the “Mailing List” link. (Your email information will be kept confidential for newsletter purposes only and will not be shared.)
Meeting Dates
Aug 9, 2014
Sept 13, 2014
Oct 11, 2014
July Raffle Donors
Thank you to Marge Blasingame, Y.S. Farn, Bill & Lois Hutchinson, Emma Janza, Dave Miles, Dick Ryerson, Paul Terhune, Marilyn Tyler and Frank Yee
Upcoming Events
August 16-17, 2014
Nampu Kai Annual Bonsai Exhibition, at the Japanese Cultural Center,
244 S. San Pedro St., Los Angeles
10:00am to 5:00pm
Sept. 23-28, 2014
Kofu Kai Show at the Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana
Daily 10:00am to 4:00pm
Sept. 27-28, 2014, San Diego
San Diego Bonsai Club Fall Show
Casa Del Prado, Rm. 101, Balboa Park
10a-5p daily with demos at 11a and 1p Sale table with bonsai related items.
More info:
Oct. 4-5, 2014, Thousand Oaks
Conejo Valley Bonsai Society Exhibition
Gardens of the World’s Resource Center
2001 Thousand Oaks Blvd.
9a-4p daily with demos at 11a and 2p No sales table.
More info;
Come Join Us
Next Meeting
Date: August 9, 2014
Time: 7pm
LAC Arboretum, Palm Room
301 N. Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, Ca 91007
2014 Monthly Program
August: Ted Matson
September: TBA
October: Harry Hirao
2014 Refreshment Schedule
August: G. Gonzalez, M. Jonas, D. Miles, D. Ryerson
September: J. Gibbs, B & L Hutchinson, P. Macasieb, K. Teh
Executive Board
Dave Miles
909 519 5391
Vice President
Peter Macasieb
Judy & Steve Anthony
Marge Blasingame
Board Members
Ray Blasingame
Ed Chacon
Michael Jonas
Dick Ryerson
Frank Yee
Santa Anita Bonsai Society
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