Bonsai Notebook
Our regular meeting on June 14 has been cancelled so that our members can support and attend the Descanso Bonsai Society annual show and reception on that date. The show will be Saturday and Sunday, 9:00am – 5:00pm, with reception on Sat. at 6:00pm. There will be a sales area, and after dinner an auction and raffle. Descanso Gardens are located at:
1418 Descanso Dr., La Canada, Flintridge, California
Sat. July 12, 2014
President’s Corner…..
Congratulations to our show award winners:
Best of Show – Dick Ryerson’s Trident Maple
Best Theme Tree – Ray Blasingame’s Pomegranate
Best Shohin – Emma Janza’s display
21st Century Award – Gary Lai’s Shimpaku
Thanks to all of our members who displayed their trees and also to those who volunteered as docents. We had a very successful show with 35 trees, and we received many compliments from bonsai enthusiasts and from the general public walking through. Thanks to our daily demonstrators: Michael Jonas on Saturday, Peter Macasieb on Sunday, and Frank Yee on Monday. They had a full audience each day and did a great job sharing their expertise.
Co-founder Jim Barrett provided his vast expertise in judging and critiquing the show trees. Thank you Jim for your help again this year.
The sales table had a large variety of items and a good number sold. One item in particular, the “Hobbit House”, custom made by Kathy Boehme, got a lot of attention. Kathy donated the entire sales price back to the Club. Thanks Kathy. We appreciate your generosity of both time and money.
Thank you to all the members who showed up to help with set up and those who stayed after for the take-down. It goes so quickly when there are enough people involved with this important task.
Marilyn Tyler once again, provided all of our awards. She was there to get the results of the judging, took photos, rushed home, made the awards, and returned the same afternoon to place the awards with the winning tree displays. Thank you, Marilyn, for your work and your support.
Finally, a very special thanks to Marge Blasingame. As always, Marge was there all day, every day. She handled the sales table and tracking totals for each sales participant. She bought the food and drinks to feed us and managed anything and everything else that needed to be done. It is impossible to imagine putting on the show without her.
~Dave Miles
May Raffle Donors
Thank you to Bill & Lois Hutchinson, Dave Miles, Dick Ryerson, Paul Terhune, Marilyn Tyler and Frank Yee
May Highlights
Roy Nagatoshi conducted a workshop at our May Meeting. He provided advice and/ or worked on every tree members brought in. It was a great opportunity to move our trees to the next step in their development.
Roy talked about shearing the long foliage needles on prostrata junipers. Cutting the needles in half will cause multiple buds to break rather than getting one bud if the needle tip is pinched back. Roy uses volk oil to combat spider mites, but warned against using it in hot summer months.
We had a good learning experience and Roy donated his demonstration fee back to the Club. We appreciate his advice and his generosity.
What’s New
- A gentle reminder: if you haven’t paid your dues for 2014, now is the time. Dues are $20 for an individual or $25 for a family membership. You can pay at the monthly meeting or mail your dues to: Judy Anthony, 565 Jalapa Dr., Covina, CA 91724
- If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter electronically please send your email contact information to Dave Miles at [email protected] or register on our website by clicking on the “Mailing List” link. (Your email information will be kept confidential for newsletter purposes only and will not be shared.)
- The SABS Show tree photos and The Bonsai Notebook Newsletter are posted on the new SABS website. Check out the SABS website at:
Upcoming Events
June 14-15:
Descanso Bonsai Society Annual Show 9a-5p
1418 Descanso Dr., La Canada, Flintridge
June 14:
Descanso Bonsai Society Reception 6p
Meeting Dates
June 14, 2014– Cancelled
July 12, 2014
Aug 9, 2014
New Members
Robert Alderette
Tom & Aynn Freeman
2014 Monthly Program
July: Frank Goya
August: Peter Macasieb
2014 Refreshment Schedule
July: M. Blasingame, P. Macasieb, J. Rodriquez, R. Sencer
August: G. Gonzalez, M. Jonas, D. Miles, D. Ryerson
Next Meeting
Date: July 12, 2014
Time: 7pm
LAC Arboretum, Palm Room
301 N. Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, Ca 91007
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