Bonsai Notebook
Annual Holiday Potluck Dinner
Please bring a salad, fruit dish, or dessert. The club will provide the main dish. Bring bonsai related items for the raffle, so we can continue to have our biggest raffle of the year.
Now is also the time to renew your club membership. We welcome anyone interested in the art of bonsai. I encourage you to renew at the January meeting. You can also go to the website for membership information;
$20/yr. single, or $25/yr. per family
Meeting Time and Place:
January 11, 2014 at 7pm
LAC Arboretum, Palm Room
SABS Executive Board
From Left to Right: F. Yee, M. Jonas, E. Chacon, M. Blasingame, D. Miles, D. Ryerson, R. Blasingame, P. Macasieb. Not shown: J. Anthony & S. Anthony
President’s Corner…..
Happy New Year to all. As we begin 2014, the club will celebrate with our annual potluck and raffle Saturday, January 11, 7pm. A fun evening for all our members.
We had many interesting and memorable presentations at our meetings last year. I look forward to new demonstrations and workshops arranged by Peter Macasieb, starting in February.
Most of our trees are in winter dormancy, so now is the time to clean up dead leaves and other debris from around the trees and plan for resuming use of fertilizer if you stopped during the cold months. We can examine our trees looking for design flaws (crossing branches, etc.) and plan for fall work.
Spray deciduous trees with a dormant spray before new buds pop, and keep away the critters with a good insecticide or miticide.
Get your potting soil ready and clean up pots you plan to use for initial potting or repotting.
Special Thanks:
Marilyn Tyler has edited and produced our newsletter for many years, and has also provided our annual show awards. She donated the cost of postage for the newsletter this year. Thank you, Marilyn. We appreciate your continued support of the club.
~Dave Miles
November Meeting Highlights
Kathy Benson entertained us in November with a radical restyling of a black pine she has had since its original styling many years ago. She kept our attention when she started cutting and took off the entire top of the tree. It made all of us nervous even though it wasn’t our tree. Needless to say, the original design was completely changed, and the beginning of a new design emerged.
Thanks to Kathy for reminding us our trees are a living art form and don’t necessarily have to remain as initially styled. There might be another tree waiting to come out.
What’s New
The SABS Bonsai Notebook will now be available online and via email or US mail.
If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter electronically please send your email contact information to Dave Miles at: [email protected] or register on our website by clicking on the “Mailing List” link. (Your email information will be kept confidential for newsletter purposes only and will not be shared.)
The Bonsai Notebook Newsletter will also be posted on the new SABS website. Check out the new SABS website at:
Upcoming Events
Baikoen “Winter Silhouettes” Show
Jan. 18 & 19, 2014, 10am to 4:30pm
Ayres Hall, Los Angeles County Arboretum
California Shohin Seminar
Jan, 31 – Feb. 2, 2014
Santa Nella, California
Info at
Bonsai-A-Thon XVIII 2014
Feb. 22 &23, 2014
Fundraiser for the GSBF collection at the
Huntington Library and Botanical Garden
Next Meeting
Date: January 11, 2014
Time: 7pm
Location: LAC Arboretum, Palm Room
301 N. Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, Ca 91007
Board Meeting: 6pm
(before general meeting)
Monthly Program
January 2014: Annual Holiday Potluck
February 2014: Demonstration by Al Nelson
2014 Refreshment Schedule
To be announced
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