Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.
Bonsai Notebook
Bring your tools, wire, and favorite tree to the March meeting. The meeting will feature Roy Nagatoshi who will host a workshop. Roy is a well known bonsai master who learned the art from his father, Shigeru Nagatoshi. Roy grew up working at his father’s nursery, Fuji Bonsai Nursery in Sylmar; now owned by Roy and where he teaches classes.
The March meeting will be special in a couple of ways. First, Roy will guide us through a bring-your-own-tree workshop. You will have the opportunity to have Roy help you take your own tree to the next level of development. Second, the club will provide five trees to current, paid members through a free raffle at the beginning of the meeting. Roy will help the raffle winners style their new trees.

President’s Corner
The members voted at the February meeting to have ginkgo as our show theme tree this year. Please plan to show a tree in our club’s show Memorial Day Weekend, and if you have a ginkgo, bring it. It’s repotting time again. The Bonsai-A-Thon was the perfect source for supplies, so hopefully, you have what you need and are ready to go. You can start on junipers, and some deciduous trees are already popping buds. Most of us enjoy getting our hands dirty and giving our trees fresh life, so dig in and enjoy. Once again I want to acknowledge the hard work and generosity of club member Kathy Boehme. Many of us volunteer our time for the annual Bonsai-A-Thon, but Kathy has again gone above and beyond. She donated more than 100 bonsai pots, made by her, to the Bonsai-A-Thon raffle. She made a wide variety of sizes and shapes; every one spectacular. A lot of raffle tickets were sold to people hoping for a chance to take one home. I know how much time goes into making each pot, and I am in awe of her work and generosity. She also donated one of her older trees in one of her pots that auctioned for a lot of money in addition to the raffle donation. Thank you Kathy! I made a mistake and need your help. Did you win issues of Bonsai Today #26 or 27 at the February 2018 meeting raffle? I received a donation from Jay Packer that included a complete collection of the Bonsai Today magazine. I inadvertently put two issues of the magazine in the raffle at the Feb. meeting ( issues 26 and 27). If you won these issues in the raffle, I would appreciate it greatly if you would return them at the March meeting, and I will replace them with other magazines. The full collection has value, and I would like to try and sell it at our show in May. ~DaveFebruary Meeting Highlights
Fred Miyahara joined us in February and demonstrated the fine art of grafting. He used juniper and Italian cypress stock for his presentation, but also talked about grafting black pine. Fred started with the question, why do we graft? He cited a few reasons including the propagation of hard to find sub-species, the need for foliage in open spaces on a branch, and the introduction of different foliage within a species. He said cork bark trees can be hard to find, so grafting a cork bark scion onto a tree of the same species is a good way to generate stock. Often, an otherwise fully developed tree may lack foliage at an important place in the tree styling. Grafting can fill the space. Finally, trees such as junipers have a wide variety of foliage patterns. Grafting makes it possible to put a more aesthetically pleasing foliage on a tree.

SABS Announcements
This is just a gentle reminder that it’s now time to renew your 2018 membership for SABS. A special thank you to all of you who have already renewed for this year. Our membership dues are vital to SABS remaining financially viable. The dues for each year are due in January. Past members who have not yet renewed are encouraged to do so at this time. If you joined SABS during Oct-Dec 2017 then your membership is current until Dec 2018 . It has been exciting to see how SABS’s membership has grown during the past year. Thanks for your participation and support. The SABS Newsletter is one of the “perks” of belonging to our club. When your membership is not renewed annually by the end of March 2018 the membership lapses and you are no longer eligible to receive this newsletter directly via email and/or US Mail. The newsletter will always be available on our website www.sabonsai.orgNewsletter Update
If you have a knack for writing, a story to tell, a photo or something you would like to share in our newsletter please submit it to Lorraine & Dave prior to the 20th of any month at: [email protected]Upcoming Events
March 24-25 61st Annual California Bonsai Society Exhibit, Huntington Botanical Center 9:30a – 4:30p each day, reception Sat. night 7P Thank You to our February Meeting Raffle Donors: Jerry Banuelos, Gabriel Gonzalez Marty Hagbery, Dave Miles New Members Soung ShinCome Join Us
Next Meeting Date: March 10, 2018 Time: 7 pm Location: LAC Arboretum, Palm Room 301 N. Baldwin Ave Arcadia, Ca 910072018 Monthly Meeting Dates
March 10 — Roy Nagatoshi April 14 — Tom Voung May 12 — Bob Pressler2018 Refreshment Schedule
March — J. Anthony, M. Bullington, M. Kelly, D. Miles April — M. Blasingame, O&W Chin, Y.S.Farn May — J. Gibbs, E. Janza, D Miles, A. Sigimura———————————