Bonsai Notebook

Next SABS Meeting:
Feb 10, 2024
Annual Potluck & Bonsai Bingo
LA Arboretum– Palm Room
President’s Corner
Jan update-
Happy New Year to everyone.
I hope you all had a joyous Christmas and are looking forward to another great new year.
We canceled the Annual Potluck Dinner meeting for January because of a conflict with the Baikoen Winter Silhouettes Show reception on the same night.
I encourage everyone to attend the reception in Ayres Hall at the Arboretum on Jan. 13 at 6:00pm.
The SABS Potluck Dinner meeting and program will be held at our Feb. 10 meeting at the Arboretum.
We hope to see all of you in Feb.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It is with great sadness that I must report the passing of Marge Blasingame on Dec. 22, at the age of 87.
She had been in declining health for a while, and we missed her presence at our meetings.
Marge began her long journey in the world of bonsai in 1989 when she began taking classes with Melba Tucker.
From that time, she has been involved with everything bonsai related in Southern California.
She was the long-standing secretary of the Santa Anita Bonsai Society, managed our refreshment table, was our annual show chairman, and club historian.
She was also an active member of Baikoen, Kofu Kai, Descanso, California Bonsai Society, California Shohin Society, and Aiseki Kai clubs.
In addition, Marge served as Co-Chair of the Bonsai-A-Thon.
I had the pleasure of spending years with Marge as students of ceramics under the tutelage of Kathy Boehme.
She made beautiful shohin pots.
We will greatly miss Marge’s presence and involvement in the bonsai world.
Members Corner
This is a season of change for SABS
This past December both Steve & Judy Anthony and Jim & Judylynn Pelling announced their retirements from the SABS Board.
We would like to thank Steve & Judy Anthony for their many years serving as Treasurers to our club.
Their dedication and effort to SABS has been invaluable and so very much appreciated.
We also want to thank Jim & Judylynn Pelling for their work at handling the duties of Raffle Chairman.
The volunteer work of both the Anthony’s and Pellings are what keep our club running.
A Quest for New Leadership
We currently have club officer and chairman positions that need to be filled for our club to keep operating successfully in 2024.
Positions needing to be filled include:
Raffle Chairman
Website Manager
Newsletter Editor
Membership Chairman
Hospitality Chairman
Anyone willing to help us out and consider filling one of these positions should contact Dave at 909 519 5391 or at [email protected]
We need volunteers as soon as possible. ~Dave
December 2023 Merry Christmas to all!
I hope you have a wonderful holiday season.
The Club does not have a scheduled meeting in Dec so our members can enjoy the holidays.
It became necessary for our Board to cancel the Annual Potluck Dinner at the January 2024 meeting because of a conflict with the Baikoen Winter Silhouettes Show Reception on the same night.
I encourage everyone to attend the reception in Ayres Hall at the Arboretum on January 13 at 6:00pm.
The SABS Board met in November and decided to move the Potluck dinner and program to the Feb 10, 2024 meeting at the Arboretum.
So we hope to see you all in February.
Our November workshop with Robert Hoogeveen was a great learning experience for all who brought trees.
Robert spent time with each participating member and provided his thoughts and suggestions for how to move the tree designs forward.
All of our members learned from listening to Robert’s ideas.
We currently have club officer and chairman positions that need to be filled in order for the SABS Club to continue operating successfully in 2024.
Positions needing to be filled include: President, Treasurer, Website Manager & Newsletter Editor, Raffle Chairman, Membership Chairman & Hospitality Chairman.
Anyone willing to help us out and consider filling these positions should contact me.
In order to prepare new officers and chairmen to take over these positions, we need volunteers as soon as possible.
Members Corner
All Southern California Bonsai Clubs also belong to Golden State Bonsai Federation
—GSBF is the statewide governing body for bonsai clubs in the state of California.
Check out their website at for information and updates for all that is happening locally and statewide.
For SABS info & club history check out our website at
Please write to us anytime with ideas and/or questions at [email protected] or [email protected]
November Workshop Highlights

“thank you” to our November Raffle Donors
Helen & Jim Barrett, Jerry Banuelos, Y S Farn, Mike Kelly, Dave Miles, Wendy Tsai, Becky Villasenor
SABS appreciates your support !!!!
Next Meeting
Date: Feb 10, 2024
Time: 6pm
Location: Palm Room LA Arboretum
2023-24 Monthly Mtg Dates
Feb 10, 2024—
Annual Mtg & Potluck Dinner
large raffle table
program: Bonsai Bingo
club will provide main dish, bring your favorite appetizer, salad or dessert
Come Join Us in 2024

Upcoming Bonsai Community Events
Jan. 13-14, 2024
Baikoen Winter Silhouettes Show, 60th edition
L.A. County Arboretum, Ayres Hall
10a-4:30p each day
Reception on Saturday at 6pm
Contact [email protected] for additional info
Also check out for local and regional events

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year”
Seasons Greetings
from Santa Anita Bonsai Society