Bonsai Notebook
Meeting Time And Place:
September 11, 2021 at 6pm
at the Home of David & June Nguy
Our Sept. 11 meeting will be held at the home of David and June Nguy in Chino. We will start at 6:00pm to take advantage of the daylight for the outdoor site. We will not have a potluck dinner. Refreshments will be provided by club members and you are always welcome to bring your own snacks. Directions to David and June’s home will follow in the newsletter.
David Nguy will be our demonstrator, so we are looking forward to David’s bonsai artistry. Come early so you have time to view David and June’s vast bonsai collection. Viewing their trees is a treat all by itself. We are so lucky to have a bonsai master like David so accessible to our club. He is well known throughout the world of bonsai for his work with junipers, especially California junipers. Black pine are also his specialty, and many of both are on display in his collection.
I hope you all had the opportunity to view the show at the Westminster Mall, hosted by David and June and the Chino Bonsai Club. It was the most spectacular show I have ever seen. The quality of the trees was amazing, and the show was a testament to David’s leadership as a true bonsai master. Join us for a summer evening of bonsai.
Directions to Sept meeting at 6pm at the Nguy Residence.
President’s Corner
The Golden State Bonsai Federation is hosting the “Bonsai Rendezvous” Oct. 2-3 in Santa Nella. The event will be held at the Hotel Mission de Oro, and there will be no fees to participate. The event will include demonstrations, critiques, and silent auctions. Vendors from both northern and southern California will be there selling everything bonsai. You can get more details including a schedule of all events by searching “2021 GSBF bonsai rendezvous” online.
I appreciate the support of our club members as we have resumed regular meetings. The virus is still an issue for all of us, but we are moving ahead with our meetings, while counting on members to keep themselves safe. We have been using meeting sites away from the Arboretum because of event conflicts, and we hope the inconvenience will not deter members from attending. We are working hard to have interesting and worthwhile programs so members enjoy attending regardless of the meeting location. Again, thank you for your support.
We are still experiencing hot weather, so try to avoid overly stressing your trees with heavy pruning. The Fall season is around the corner, hopefully bringing cooler weather. For your trees’ well being and for you own peace of mind, spend time with your trees every day.
Anytime you have any questions please feel free to contact Lorraine & I at [email protected] or via the SABS website at
August 2021 Meeting Highlights
We were treated to an entertaining and informative demonstration by Julian Tsai at the Aug. meeting. He styled an in-ground grown Itoigawa juniper and shared stories of his internship at the Fujikawa Kouka-en nursery in Japan. Julian carved shari (deadwood) on the trunk of the tree prior to the demo to save time. He said shari should flow with the grain of the trunk to avoid cutting through lifelines. He explained on you choose branches to use in your design, you can follow their lifelines along the trunk and not carve shari on them.

When creating branch structure, Julian said that you should not “stack “ branches to form pads. Use single branches and let the pad develop over time. Julian described the importance of having good foliage density close to the trunk. He warned not to compress foliage to try and get it closer to the trunk in order to accomplish the design you want. Bending branches inward to compress foliage will take away from the natural flow of the tree.
Julian completed his work on the “still developing” tree and left sacrificial branches for the future growth of young branches. The result was a very graceful design with room to fill out beautifully. We all appreciated Julian’s work and instructive dialog. Steve Anthony was the lucky winner of Julian’s work.

Members Corner
The newsletter, updates and better quality photos are always available on our website
Many of you have questions about Club dues. For all who paid in 2020 prior to the close down, your membership will remain current thru Dec 2021. For those of you joining in 2021 your membership will extend until Dec 2022.
Please join us in welcoming our new members in 2021
Barry & Guy Altshulte, Ron Espiritu, Jackie Zinder, R Godwin Milner, Manuel Dizon & Ian Killips, Joel Villalua, Hubert Llanes, Denise & Phil Williams, Julio Martinez, Marren Padrones
Please note the September 11 meeting time change to 6p to allow for maximum lighting during the evening
Thank you to our August Raffle Table Donors
Jerry Banuelos, Sue Cook, Y.S.Farn, Dave Miles, Victor Shelton, Wendy Tsai, Frank Yee, And to all who so generously purchase tickets
Upcoming Events
Sept 18
Bonsai Pot Sale at Jim Barrett’s home:
480 Oxford Rd, Arcadia 91006
9a-2pm: no early entry – lottery may be used if necessary, cash or check only
for questions contact Dave Miles 909-519-5391
October 2-3
GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous, Hotel Mission de Oro, Santa Nella, 9a-4p daily with demonstrations, critiques, vendors, no banquets, see website for details,
Come Join Us
Next Meeting:
Date: Sept 11, 2021
Time: 6 pm
At the home of David & June Nguy
2021 Monthly Meeting Dates
Sept 11 — Home of Dave & June Nguy
Oct 9 — LAC Arboretum – program TBA
Nov 13 — Longo Toyota – program TBA
Refreshment Schedule
Sept 11 — Sue Cook, Jackie Zinder, Hubert Llanes, Marren Padrones
Oct 9 — Julio Martinez, Y.S. Farn
2021 Refreshment Sign ups will be available at Sept meeting