Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.
Bonsai Notebook
Visit our website at:
Founding President/ Sensei
Jim Barrett

Next SABS Meeting: Sept 9, 2023
Eastern Leaf Nursery
3826 Riverside Dr.
Chino, CA

We have a new experience planned for our Sept. 9 meeting.
We will meet at the Eastern Leaf Nursery in Chino at 6:00pm and have the owner, Jason Chan as our demonstrator.
This will also be a shopping opportunity for anyone looking for pre-bonsai tree material or anything else bonsai related; tools, pots, wire, soil, etc.
There will be some time to look around the nursery and shop at 6:00pm, but you are welcome to arrive earlier if you like for more time.
We will have a raffle table, so be sure to bring something for the table.
There may be a shortage of chairs for the demo area (outside under cover), so we are encouraging member to bring your own folding chair.
We have ample room for seating for the demo.
Jason and his wife Renee founded Eastern Leaf in 2004 for bonsai enthusiasts of all levels.
They recently moved into a new location in Chino where we will meet;
3826 Riverside Dr., Chino
(just east of a succulent plant nursery on the same side of the street)
President’s Corner
As we move into September, the strong summer growth patterns of most of our trees will begin to slow down.
We have been working hard to keep our trees in the shapes we intended.
We can now start cutting back on pruning and start to enjoy the changes in color in our deciduous trees.
It is a good time to cut back on nitrogen-based fertilizers and turn to more potash and phosphorus.
This will help trees through the coming winter.
You can gather tree seeds to store through the winter for spring planting.
I don’t think we ever over the joy and anticipation of seeing new trees when they first pop up through the soil.
You can take new cuttings, but they should be limited to hardwood specimens or tropical varieties.
I have taken some cuttings from my gmelina tree and one of my foemina junipers in early Aug., and they are doing fine so far.
Enjoy the coming Fall season. ~Dave
Members Corner
- Santa Anita Bonsai Society is an amazing club– join us any time….2023-24
Annual dues are $20 for Individuals and $25 for family memberships.
Dues may be paid by cash or check.
- If you are unable to attend a meeting but would like to support SABS
contact Lorraine at [email protected] to receive a mail –in membership form
- Our September meeting will be held at Eastern Leaf Nursery, 3826 Riverside Dr,. Chino, Ca.
(just east of a succulent plant nursery on the same side of the street.
Please bring along a chair to have a guaranteed seat.
- We’re trying something new– “ad lib” Refreshments!
If you feel like sharing a tasty treat with others who love to eat please bring an appetizer, snack or dessert to add to our refreshment table.
Water is provided.
Thanks to everyone who shared refreshments at the August meeting
Aug 2023 Meeting Highlights
Our August meeting was part 2 of our pyracantha air-layering project.
As a recap, part 1 was done in April when Peter Macasieb demonstrated the air-layering process.
Members had a chance to perform the process on one of three tall pyracantha trees.
A total of 28 air-layers were done, and Peter took care of the material while the new roots developed.

We met at Peter’s home in August.
All members who participated in part 1 of the project got to pot up a shohin-sized pyracantha, cut from the mother trees, and take it home.
Each of the remaining attendees at the Aug. meeting, who wanted a chance to also take home one of the air-layered pyracanthas were given a raffle ticket.
Tickets were randomly drawn and the remaining new trees went home with the ticket holders.

The air-layering project was developed by Peter & Mike Kelly for SABS.
All of the air-layers rooted successfully and were potted.
Thanks again to Peter and his assistant, Mike, for their work on this program.
We also had a large number of items on the raffle table and many happy winners… it is a tremendous help to the club and our ability to remain viable.

Photos by Becky V.
A Special thank you to our August Raffle Donors
Steve Anthony, Jerry Banulos, Helen & Jim Barrett, Big Joe, Marge Blasingame, Sue Cook, Dan & Wanda Denesi, Y.S. Farn, Mike Kelly, David & Debra Mauzy-Melitz, Dave Miles, Bryan Nicholson, Vic Shelton, Bill Ward
SABS appreciates your support !!!
2023 Monthly Meeting Dates
Sept 9
Location: Eastern Leaf Nursery, Chino
Demo: Jason Chan
Oct 14
Location: Matt Denny’s Ale House, Arcadia, CA
Demo: Robert Hoogeveen
Nov 11
Location: LA Arboretum
Demo: TBA
Meeting Refreshment Schedule
Something New- “ad lib” Refreshments
Snacks & Appetizers & Desserts
Sept 9
Please bring your favorite snack, appetizer or dessert to share
Upcoming Events
Sept 22-24
Kofu Kai Bonsai Show at the Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana
Oct 7-8
Chino Bonsai Club 3rd Annual Bonsai Exhibit
261 S. Junipero Serra Dr., San Gabriel.
Sat.hrs. 9a-5p, Sun., 9a-3:30p,
demonstrations, silent and live auctions, and raffle both days
Oct 8
Bonsai Swap Meet, 10a-12noon
Woodley Park, 6350 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys
email for more info: [email protected]
Oct 20-22
GSBF Bonsai Rendezvous
Hotel Mission De Oro, Santa Nella
209-826-4444 for reservations (rooms going quickly, other motels in town)
go to for info.
additional workshop options released on Aug 1
Nov 4-5
California Bonsai Society 66th Annual Exhibit, Huntington Botanical Gardens
1151 Oxford Rd., San Marino
10a-4p, demos at 1p daily
Come Join Us
Date: Sept 9, 2023
Time: 6 pm
Location: Eastern Leaf Nursery, Chino, CA
If you need directions contact Lorraine at [email protected]
more photos by Becky V. from the Aug Meeting….