Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.
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Bonsai Notebook
The last meeting of the calendar year will be very special. Our guest demonstrator Nov. 8 will be Mauro Stemberger. Born in 1978 in Feltre, Italy, Mauro now works as an architect and a bonsai artist.
At the age of 14 he became fascinated with bonsai and joined a local bonsai club in Feltre. From 1994-2001 Mauro had the opportunity to take part in workshops with important European masters like Hotsumi Terakawa, Marc Noelander, Salvatore Liporace and others. In2 005 he founded the Italian Bonsai Dream workshop, a place where enthusiasts could work on and enjoy bonsai.
From 2008-2010 Mauro was president of UBI (Italian bonsai association) and director of UBI Bonsai Magazine. He oversees study groups twice a year in the U.S.A. and Mexico, and once a year in France and Australia.
President’s Corner
We are at the end of another year, and for the club, it’s time to elect club officers (president, vice pres., secretary and treasurer) and board of directors for the next two years. If anyone is interested in serving as an officer or board member, contact me at 909-519-5391. We will vote on these positions at the Nov. meeting, so the officers and board can be installed at our January potluck dinner meeting. Now that the Summer and Fall heat has passed, it’s time to reduce your watering schedule. Your trees won’t need as much water, but as usual, don’t let roots dry out. It’s also a good time to clean up around our benches. Clear away debris and use fungicide and insecticide on the benches. Be on the look-out at nurseries for potential material for the new year. Above all, enjoy the holidays. ~Dave Miles

October Highlights
The October meeting, unfortunately, was cancelled because power went out at the Arboretum. Edison was unable to restore the power by meeting time. The club members who came, lingered near the parking lot and had quality social time. We couldn’t have a meeting, but it was too soon to go home. Frank Yee showed us his jade tree with corked bark, a rare occurrence apparently caused by the use of fungicides on the trunk. Aynn and Tom Freeman brought out their refreshments and set up on a bench. Aynn had prepared small glass trays filled with a dressing dip complete with a broccoli “tree” standing in the middle; very appropriate. She also supplied additional veggies to use with the dip after the “tree” was eaten. Robert Sencer brought home-made pumpkin cookies with a maple glaze. They were fantastic. Thank you to Robert, Aynn and Tom for the wonderful refreshment presentation. It helped facilitate our outdoor social time in lieu of the meeting.What’s New
Watch for information about our January Potluck Dinner details in the December 2014 Newsletter If you would like to receive the monthly newsletter electronically please send your email contact information to Dave Miles at: [email protected] or register on our website by clicking on the “Mailing List” link. (Your email information will be kept confidential for newsletter purposes only and will not be shared.)Upcoming Events
Oct. 30 – Nov. 2 , 2014 GSBF Convention, Sacramento, Ca. Nov 8 Mauro Stemberger demonstration at Santa Anita Bonsai Society Dec 26 – Jan 2, 2015 Aiseki Kai Show Huntington Botanical Center 10:30– 4:40 daily closed 1/1/2015Meeting Dates
Nov 8, 2014 Dec– no meeting Jan 10, 2015– Potluck Dinner Next Meeting Date: November 8, 2014 Time: 7pm Location: LAC Arboretum, Palm Room 301 N. Baldwin Ave Arcadia, Ca 910072014 Monthly Program
November: Mauro Stemberger No meeting in December: Happy Holidays2015 Monthly Program
Jan 10, 2015 Potluck Dinner2014 Refreshment Schedule
November: P. Macasieb, J. Cervantes, G. Gonzalez, E. Janza [wpdm_file id=19]———————————