Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.
Bonsai Notebook
Our guest demonstrator for May is Gary Ishii. Gary, as a bonsai artist, is another gem from Southern California. Gary operates Chikugo-en Bonsai Nursery in Gardena, originally established by his father, the late bonsai master Masaru Ishii. Gary is famous for his grafting skills, particularly with shimpaku juniper material.
He will do a demonstration/workshop on tool sharpening at the May meeting. Club members can observe, but also participate in the hands-on workshop. Gary will discuss the importance of sharp cutting tools for bonsai use and will demonstrate the techniques of sharpening using water stones. Club members can join in by bringing a water spray bottle, tools for sharpening, a water sharpening stone, a bowl or Tupperware container to soak the stone in, and a terry towel to stabilize the stone and soak up excess water. Water stones are available at Rockler Woodworking stores and on-line. Don’t miss this chance to learn how to keep your scissors sharp!

President’s Corner
The Santa Anita Bonsai Society’s 53rd annual Memorial Day weekend show is this month. Our show has a long tradition at the Arboretum, and I hope all our members will join us by entering a tree and/or volunteering to help. An entry form is included in the newsletter and will be available at the May 13 meeting. The form includes time slots for members to sign up for show set-up and take-down, and for watching over the trees and other tasks that go with our show operation.Members Corner
The club thanks those members who have recently renewed their memberships. As you know, the club’s ability to put on our annual show and provide monthly meetings and demonstrations relies on the money we receive as membership dues. Thanks for your support, and it is not too late to renew if you have not already done so.April Meeting Highlights
April featured the return of the master of saikei, Frank Goya. Frank was prepared, as always, with all the elements of a saikei or landscape planting including procumbens nana juniper trees already styled. He started with the placement of tufa rocks and used an odd number. The rocks were positioned in foreground and background locations in the saikei tray to help create depth. Frank, using his assistant Jaime, placed the trees into the landscape, also using an odd number following bonsai tradition and placing them, as with the stones, to give the sense of depth.

Newsletter Update
- If you haven’t been receiving the newsletter by email and would like to, please contact Dave & Lorraine with your most current address.
- If you have a knack for writing, a story to tell, a photo or something you would like to share in our newsletter please submit it to Dave & Lorraine prior to the 20th of any month at : [email protected]
- HOPEFULLY THIS ISN’T YOUR LAST NEWSLETTER: The SABS Newsletter is one of the “perks” of belonging to our club. When your membership is not renewed annually by the end of March the membership lapses and you are no longer eligible to receive this newsletter directly via email and/or US Mail. The newsletter will always be available on our website
Upcoming Events
May 27,28,29 Santa Anita Bonsai Society 53rd Anual Memorial Day Weekend Bonsai Show Los Angeles County Arboretum 9a-4:30p daily, demonstrations 1:00pm daily, bonsai trees and supplies on sale June 10, 11 Descanso Bonsai Society Annual Show Descanso Gardens, 1418 Dedcanso Dr., La Canada Flintridge 9a-4p, demos at 11am and 1:30p each day, reception Sat. 6pm with raffle, bonsai trees and accessories on saleCome Join Us
Next Meeting Date: May 13, 2017 Time: 7pm Location: LAC Arboretum, Palm Room 301 N. Baldwin Ave Arcadia, Ca 91007 No Board Meeting in May2017 Monthly Meeting Dates
May 13 — Gary Ishii June 10 — no SABS meeting, please attend Descanso Bonsai Society Reception July 8 — Peter Macasieb2017 Refreshment Schedule
May — Joyce Gibbs, Emma Janza, Mike Kelly, Octavia & Walt Chin June — no meeting, please attend Descanso Bonsai Society Reception———————————