Santa Anita Bonsai Society
A community dedicated to the study and appreciation of the ancient art of Bonsai.
Bonsai Notebook

The July 13 meeting will be a road trip to the home of Peter and Marissa Macasieb in West Covina. (directions and address link later in the newsletter). The meeting will start at 6:00pm, so we have extra daylight for this outdoor meeting. As you know, we lose a couple of meeting dates each summer due to concerts scheduled at the Arboretum. The Macasiebs have graciously hosted one of the dates for several years, and the club always looks forward to seeing Peter’s huge tree collection. Peter will also have a workshop at the GSBF Convention in October, so you might get to see the workshop material and tour Peter’s collection during the evening.

Peter will be our demonstrator for this July 13 meeting, and we will have a raffle table and potluck dinner. The main dishes and beverages will be provided by Marissa and the club. Members are invited to bring a side dish, salad, or dessert. Meeting Time and
July 13, 2019 at 6pm at the home of Peter & Marissa Macasieb in West Covina
Directions to the Macasieb residence click here.
President’s Corner
The registration forms for the GSBF Convention in October are available and being accepted now. You can download the forms at Workshops fill up fast, so get the forms if you haven’t already.
It looks like our daily morning overcast has given way to a warm summer. If you haven’t done your black pine candle pruning and needle pulling, get to it! I have been busy (any excuse will do), so half of my pines are done with another half to be completed.
So, how do we know when to water our trees? In the past I have used a water meter purchased from a local nursery. You could stick it in the soil and get a pretty accurate reading of the moisture content. It worked well for awhile, then gave out, and I didn’t replace it. Most of us are using very porous soil mixes, so we need to water every day during the summer. Smaller trees with smaller pots may need water twice a day or more, depending on the heat level. A simple check is to stick your finger in the soil at least 1-inch deep. If it is dry, the tree needs water. Our fast draining soil generally protects us from over watering, but don’t create a swamp!
I water by hand every day and use a timed sprinkler system when I am away. By seeing my trees every day, I can usually tell visually when water is needed. I also notice when something is amiss and needs attention. I think we all develop our own routines with our trees. Whatever works, keep doing it. Enjoy the summer.
Members Corner
The newsletter is always available on our website
If you have a knack for writing, a story to tell, a photo or something you would like to share in our newsletter please submit it to Lorraine prior to the 20th of any month at [email protected]
Visitors are always welcome at our meetings….come check out SABS anytime
Golden Statements Magazine free for 2019!
As of March 2019 The Golden State Bonsai Federation (GSBF) Board of Trustees voted to end the printing of Golden Statements Magazine. Instead, the magazine will continue as a digital publication. The Board has allowed free digital access online for 2019 and possibly beyond in order to build a worldwide web viewership. You can access the digital Golden Statements Magazine by visiting the GSBF website and clicking on the Golden Statements menu.
Help to build a worldwide viewership as you enjoy this digital magazine and spread the word to family, friends and social media. Your support is graciously appreciated.
Thank You to our June Meeting Raffle Donors
Jim Barrett, Liz Do, Y.S. Farn, Edgar Fukutaki, Dave Miles, Doyle Saito, Wendy Tsai, Cary Valentine, Steve Valentine
June 2019 Meeting Highlights
Steve Valentine was our guest demonstrator in June. We appreciate him coming up from the San Diego area for, I believe, his first demo at our club. Steve worked on several cork elms he had developed from air layering a larger elm 30 years ago. He said the original tree was not corked, so the genesis of the younger cork elms remains one of natures mysteries.

Steve explained that elms grow quickly, sending out long shoots. He trims them several times a year based on the new growth. He uses little if any wire and directionally prunes for shape, usually back to four leaves. When a tree has its final styled shape, he prunes to maintain the shape.
Steve told us he repots every two to three years. He recommended keeping moss off the corked trunk to prevent damage to the corking. He added that if cork bark comes off the trunk, it can grow back over time.
Steve brought a young potted cork elm and another pot with numerous established cork elm cuttings for our raffle. There was a lot of interest in the cuttings as well as the single tree. Judy and Steve Anthony were the raffle winners of both.

Upcoming Events
July 16, 17, and 20
Demo at Descanso, California Bonsai Society, and Kofu Kai respectively
by Liliana Marcello Tello Ortiz from Columbia by way of Costa Rica.
Aug29-Sept 1
Kofu Bonsai Kai Annual Show at the Bowers Museum
2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana
Sept 21-22
San Diego Bonsai Club 53rd Annual Show
Casa del Prado Rm #101, Balboa Park
10a-5p daily, bonsai trees and related items on sale
Come Join Us
Next Meeting
Date: July 13, 2019
Time: 6pm
Location: at the Home of Peter and Marissa Maciasieb West Covina, Ca
No Board Meeting in August
2019 Monthly Meeting Dates
July 13 — Peter Macasieb
Potluck dinner meeting at the home of Peter & Marissa
Aug 10 — Nathan Simmons
Sept 14 — David Nguy
Potluck dinner meeting at the home of David & June Nguy
Refreshment Schedule
July – Potluck – bring a favorite dish, a side a salad or dessert
Aug – Gabriel & Linda Gonzalez, Victor Shelton, Eunice Jee, Marge Blasingame
Sept – Potluck – bring a favorite dish, a side, salad or dessert
More sign up opportunities will be available at upcoming meetings