Santa Anita Bonsai Society
Bonsai Notebook
May’s SABS Program:
May’s meeting will be a BYOT (bring your own tree), or whatever you want advice, help, or just need to finish prepping for the show.
FYI – this would be a good time to moss your display items, so the moss has a little time to settle in.
This is also an opportunity to bring things you are thinking about using, and getting suggestions or opinions before making final decisions on your display(s).
This month’s meeting will be May 11 at seven p.m.
President’s Message
Greetings Santa Anita Bonsai Society!
April’s meeting was a great learning opportunity – thank you Lindsay Shiba for coming and sharing your years of experience with us in preparation for our show.
And a thank you to Debbie too, for coming to visit with Lindsay.
I truly appreciate all the members who brought trees, accent plants and stands (especially given the rain we had that evening), and those who participated in our show prep workshop – especially Mike Kelly and Steve Riley for bringing full displays and extra parts to play mix and match with.
In keeping with the show preparation theme – May’s meeting will be a BYOT (bring your own tree), or whatever you want advice, help, or just need to finish prepping for the show.
FYI – this would be a good time to moss your display items, so the moss has a little time to settle in.
This is also an opportunity to bring things you are thinking about using, and getting suggestions or opinions before making final decisions on your display(s).
Anthony, our intrepid VP and Program Chair is hard at work planning the rest of the year’s programming – thank you Anthony.
Anthony has secured Bill Ward for our June post show meeting.
Bill will be providing his expertise on how to ferret out great material from unusual locations, and he will provide insights and tricks of the trade on how to take the raw nursery stock and transform it into new bonsai.
This should be an interesting presentation, as well as a great learning opportunity for all the new members we are sure to recruit during our upcoming show.
Lastly – a little foreshadowing, mark your calendars for July’s meeting – we will be hosted by Peter and Marissa Macasieb, and we will be meeting at one o’clock, not the usual seven.
You are welcome to reach out and contact me either via email or phone/text: [email protected] or 213.709.4171.
Cheers, TBWN
“Thank You” to our Raffle Donors
Wendy Tsai
Becky Villasenor
Vic Shelton
YS Farn
Peter Macasieb
Mike Kelly
Debra & David Melitz-Mauzy
SABS appreciates your support!!!
57th Annual Bonsai Exhibition
Now is the time to decide what you want to show at our upcoming exhibit.
You can follow this QR code to sign-up and let us know what you want to show, and when you want to volunteer to staff our show.
Paper copies will be available at our next meeting. URL:

Last Month’s Meeting Highlights: April 2024

2024 SABS Monthly Meeting Dates
May 11— BYOT (Show Prep Working Meeting)
May 24—Show Set Up
May 25-27—SABS Annual Show
June 8— Bill Ward (Sourcing & Developing New Material )
July 13—Peter Macasieb (Meeting @ 1p.m.)
Our snack table is only as good as our members—and the delicious snacks we all bring to share!
Water provided
Upcoming Community Events
San Diego Bonsai Club, Spring Show—
April 27th & 28th, 2024 (Balboa Park, San Diego)
Chino Bonsai Club, Fourth Annual Show –
May 4th & 5th 2024 (San Gabriel)
Dai Ichi Bonsai Kai, Annual Show—
May 11th & 12th, 2024 (Gardena)
Santa Anita Bonsai Society, Annual Show—
May 25th ~27th, 2024 (Arcadia)
You can find all the Northern California shows on GSBF’s website.