Santa Anita Bonsai Society
At long last we are having a meeting! The Arboretum wasted no time in scheduling summer concerts, so our July 10 meeting will be held at the home of Peter and Marissa Macasieb in West Covina . The meeting will start at 6:00pm, so we have the extra daylight for this outdoor event. Masks will be optional, but we hope everyone will be comfortable coming to the meeting to restart our regular schedule. It will be great to see each other after such a long pause in our routine.
It is always a treat to walk around Peter’s yard and admire his large and diverse bonsai collection. I am sure he will be glad to answer questions about how he does it all! Peter will do a demonstration for us, and there will be a raffle table. Bring bonsai related items you would like to donate to the raffle.
There will not be any refreshments provided as we do our best to navigate through these post-pandemic times. You are welcome to bring your own snacks and beverages.
Join us for a fun summer evening as we rekindle our bonsai interests. Directions to Peter and Marissa’s home can be found here.
I am very sorry we were not able to have our annual show this year. We are already scheduled for the Memorial Day weekend in 2022. Although the Arboretum has been open to visitors for walking through the gardens, their buildings have been closed to meetings and events.
As you know, the state opened up from the pandemic closures June 15. The Arboretum notified me a week before our scheduled June 25 set-up date that they would allow the show to proceed. However, a number of requirements were added. These included mandatory monitoring fees and limiting entry to the show to our members only. Others could attend by pre-registering and paying admission to the Arboretum. Having only a week’s notice, the Board agreed there was insufficient time to try and comply with the new restrictions and put on a successful show.
The Arboretum is now being managed by the Arboretum Foundation rather than Los Angeles County. The Foundation has made a number of changes in fees and other operational issues. I will share the changes with the members when I have the details.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lorraine & I at [email protected] or via our website at
I look forward to seeing all of you as we restart our meetings in July.