Bonsai Notebook
The June meeting guest demonstrator will be Al Rivera. This will be Al’s first demo for our club, so we look forward to what he has to share. Al is an active member of San Sui Kai and Descanso Bonsai Society and has been involved in bonsai for about 11 years. He is known for collecting California junipers and Rocky Mountain junipers from Montana, and he enjoys grafting and wiring.
Al has studied with Roy Nagatoshi since the beginning of his bonsai experience, and junipers are his favorite material to work with. He makes his own fertilizer cakes and prefers to use only copper wire on his trees. Join us in June for an enjoyable presentation by Al.
Meeting Time and Place:
June 9, 2018 at 7pm
LAC Arboretum/ Palm Room
6:30pm: Board Meeting prior to general meeting to discuss international bonsai artist proposal
President’s Corner
I am sitting at our annual show on the final day of the weekend. We have had a wonderful show, and I want to thank everyone who participated in making it successful. We could not put on a show without members willing to display their beautiful trees, assist in setting up, and act as docents throughout the long weekend.
Our show chairperson, Marge Blasingame, as usual, was indispensable. She was there all day, every day handling the sales table and keeping track of the money. My thanks go to Marge and all the members who helped out at the sales table.
Both Ray Blasingame and Marty Hagberry were also invaluable when it came to the show set-up and take-down. Their experience and help was greatly appreciated.
Marilyn Tyler again provided our show awards. She took photos of the award winning trees and made the award displays that she placed with the trees. Marilyn also originated the 21st Century Award to recognize the highest scoring artist who has not previously won an award. Thank you, Marilyn.
I appreciate all the help and participation from our members. The public loved the show, and many commented on the valuable input they
received from our members who answered their questions.
May Meeting Highlights
Bob Pressler used an Atlas Cedar as his demonstration material at the May meeting. He said he had just returned from a state-wide road trip, admiring trees along the way. He was particularly inspired by the windswept Monterey Cypresses he saw and used that inspiration in his styling of the cedar. Bob talked about the importance of trying to minimize the undesirable parts of a tree while maximizing the good parts. Let the tree “tell” you where it wants to go and use the natural movement in the tree.
Bob emphasized letting trees grow out and develop energy before cutting back. Constantly nipping and cutting back robs energy from the tree, especially during growth spurts.
Newsletter Update
If you have a knack for writing, a story to tell, a photo or something you would like to share in our newsletter please submit it to Lorraine & Dave prior to the 20th of any month at: [email protected]
54th Annual Santa Anita Bonsai Society Show Highlights
Our annual show, again, was a great success. We had 37 trees on display; a high in recent years. Our theme tree, Ginkgo, was widely represented. Because of our members’ participation, the sales table was full of very desirable material, and sales were a tremendous benefit to the club. Special thanks to Ray Blasingame who had many beautiful trees for sale and donated all the proceeds to the club.
We had positive feedback from the public passing through the show, and signed up several new members. Hopefully, there should be even more new members to come because of our photo-book promotional that included our club contact information and meeting schedule. The three demonstrations by Peter Macasieb, Dave Miles, and Frank Yee were well attended and drew a lot of attention to the art of bonsai.
Congratulations to our award winners:
Best Shohin: Joyce Gibbs
Best Theme Tree: Ginkgo group – Dick Ryerson
21st Century Award: Prostrata Juniper – Bob Alderette
Best Tree: Satsuki Azalea – Louis Camerota
Thank You to our May Meeting Raffle Donors:
Jerry Banuelos, Gabriel Gonzalez, Dave Miles, Michael Robinson, Frank Yee
New Members
Liz Do & Phil Aupperle
David Melitz & Debra Mauzy-Melitz
Jason & Renee Chan
Steve Riley
Come Join Us
Next Meeting
Date: June 9, 2018
Time: 7 pm
LAC Arboretum, Palm Room
301 N. Baldwin Ave
Arcadia, Ca 91007
Board Meeting 6:30 pm prior to general meeting to discuss international bonsai artist proposal
2018 Monthly Meeting Dates
June 9 — Al Rivera
July 14 — Peter Macasieb (Potluck meeting at the home of Peter & Marissa)
August 11 — Jason Chan
2018 Refreshment Schedule
June — J. Anthony, L&G Gonzalez, M. Kelly, D. Ryerson
July — Pot luck, bring a favorite dish
Aug — D&L Miles, J. Martinez, W. Tsai